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A complete and practical guide to inquiring and purchasing supplementary health insurance

The cost of treatment has risen sharply. Although announced in 1400, average treatment costs increased by 38%; But the evidence and reports say otherwise. In general surgeries and related and diagnostic services, its treatment costs have increased by an average of 50%. However, due to economic conditions and declining incomes and the unemployment of many people, it has become very difficult for people to reimburse medical expenses. Basic insurance also covers only a small percentage. Sometimes this coverage is so small that many are reluctant to use this type of insurance; But there is always a solution to every problem. One of the best ways is to use Supplementary insurance Is. A type of insurance that has grown significantly in use over the past few years. Supplementary insurance is one of the types of personal insurance and, as its name implies, it covers the medical expenses of the insured person up to a certain limit and in excess of the obligations of the basic insurers, including social security, health and… by the insurance company. In previous years, supplementary insurance was issued only in groups, but now, due to the increase of small-scale companies, companies are increasingly paying attention to individual supplementary insurance, and some companies, such as Saman Insurance, also offer supplementary insurance individually and as a family.

Many people know the importance of supplemental insurance; But one issue is still unclear to them. That’s how Buy supplementary insurance Do not know. This is the question that we have written the answer for you below.

What we read in this article

What is supplementary insurance?

Complementary insurance, also known as supplementary health insurance and supplementary health insurance, is insurance to cover the high costs of treating illnesses. A large part of the cost of treatment during the illness or even after it can be covered by supplementary insurance!

In order to be able to cover a large part of the cost of treatment with supplementary insurance, you must first have a basic insurance; Then Supplementary insurance provide. You can use supplemental health insurance coverage every year by paying a premium. In fact, buying supplemental insurance is a smart foresight in health days for sick days! In other words, it evokes the practical experience of the famous phrase, “Prevention is better than cure.”

The most important reason and advantage of buying supplementary insurance is to reduce medical expenses. Costs that are really hard for many people to cover in this situation.

Tips for choosing a supplemental insurance company

In order to be able to buy the best supplement insurance, you need to pay special attention to several things. In this situation, you should choose the insurance company whose plan has the most coverage and also have a contract with most medical centers and hospitals to pay your medical expenses.

The tips for choosing a supplementary insurance company are as follows:

Type of supplementary insurance

The first thing to consider is the type of supplementary insurance you choose. Supplementary insurance is offered in three types: individual, group and family. Individual insurance is for people who are covered by basic insurance or not; But they want to reduce their medical expenses. The family type is also for those who want to cover themselves and their family. Group type is also for companies with a large number of employees. The type of group purchase depends on the opinion of the company manager and he should make the purchase. It is also possible to add family members in the group type. So first of all consider which type is cheaper and better for you.

Supplementary insurance companies

There are many companies such as Saman, Cooperative and Parsian that offer supplementary insurance. There are several things to consider when choosing a company:

  • The number of projects
  • Rank and score
  • Contract centers
  • Prices of different designs
  • Its covers
  • Type of insurance

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The latter are very important. Some insurance companies offer only group type and some companies have individual type of supplementary health insurance. So first determine what type of health insurance you need.

To compare health insurance companies and Purchase supplementary insurance and treatment You can refer to online insurance purchase sites to issue insurance policies as soon as possible and get a free consultation.

Payment of supplementary health insurance

There are two ways to pay for supplemental health insurance:

(1 Referral to the medical centers of the contracting party with a letter of recommendation: If the insurer has a contract with the medical centers, the insurer refers to his insurance agency and receives the relevant letter of introduction by presenting a physician certificate on the requirement to use medical services coverage, then He / she refers to the medical centers of the contracting party with the insurer and benefits from the services provided up to the limit of the insurance obligation with deducting the deductible.

(2 Receipt of payment from insurance compensation centers: The insurer refers to the center of his / her desired medical services and receives medical services. Then, he / she has a limited period of up to four months to submit a doctor’s certificate and invoice for medical expenses to insurance compensation centers). To receive the relevant fee by deducting the deductible and up to the limit of the insurance obligation.

Supplementary insurance reimburses medical expenses.

Insurance deductible

Supplementary insurance does not cover 100% of the costs. In other words, part of the payment, which is between 10 and 30%, will be the responsibility of the insurer. Of course, if the insurer has basic insurance, in most cases there will be no need to pay a separate fee and that action will be calculated for him for free. Again, the amount of the franchise varies from company to company.

Contract centers

There is no law or obligation that obliges insurance companies to enter into contracts with all medical centers and hospitals. Any company can sign a contract with any center. Finding these centers is very important. Before buying, be sure to check whether the medical centers and hospitals of the city where you live have a contract with that insurance or not. Of course, even if they do not have a contract, you can receive compensation later by sending invoices and medical documents; But it will be both time consuming and costly. So it is better to go to the centers themselves so that you no longer have to pay.
Buy the best supplement insurance from .com Insurance

Buy supplementary insurance online from the reputable site

Buy the best supplement insurance from .com Insurance

The main challenge for applicants is to compare insurance supplement companies. If you want to compare normally, it will be both time consuming and it will not be possible to make a complete comparison; But you can use insurance site .com, online brokerage to sell different types of insurance, compare insurance companies and choose the best and then proceed Buy insurance do. You just need to visit .Com insurance experts are also at your service so that you can buy the best supplementary insurance.

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