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A memorandum of cooperation was signed between Refah Karkaran Bank and Foulad Pension Fund

According to Puli Mali news, this memorandum was signed by Dr. Ismail Lalaghani The CEO of Refah Kargaran Bank and Dr. Seyed Hojat Kazemi, the CEO of this fund, arrived.

Speaking at this ceremony, Dr. Laleghani said: In order to play an effective role in the field of social responsibilities, the Workers’ Welfare Bank has always supported national production and enthusiasm in the country, and these supports have been significantly expanded in the 13th justice-oriented government.


He said that Workers’ Welfare Bank Mazin, named “Workers” and owned by retirees and pensioners covered by the Social Security Organization, stated: The main approach of this bank is to support retirees, and in this regard, we are ready to increase the support for the target community of Foulad Pension Fund.

Dr. Lalaghani Stating that there are valuable development plans and capacities in the Foulad Pension Fund, he pointed out: if the resources needed for these plans are provided and action is taken to implement them, it can lead to an increase in productivity and great benefits for the retirees who are members of this fund. to be accompanied

He added: Steel and mining industries are among the strategic industries of the country and based on this Workers’ Welfare Bank It is ready to finance the economic projects of the sub-categories of the Foulad Pension Fund through the issuance of long-term deposit certificates for special (special) investment.

The CEO of Refah Kargaran Bank continued: financing plans and projects through the issuance of these bonds is a model that Refah Kargaran Bank has designed and implemented based on Islamic banking. Through this model, which has been approved by the seminary of Qom and the legal council of Central Bank, this bank participates in various projects in the country that need financial resources.

He added: “Refah Kargaran Bank, with the capital increase it has done, is currently the best bank in the country in the “capital adequacy” index, and based on this, it is ready to take action in order to improve the investment capacities of Foolad Pension Fund through synergy.

In the end, Dr. Laleghani mentioned the loan facility provided by Refah Kargaran Bank to the pensioners covered by this fund and said: the payment of this facility has been greatly facilitated in recent years and based on the developments that this bank has had in the field of information technology, this facility The completely absentee payment form and the corresponding installments are also deducted from people’s accounts electronically.

The CEO of Foolad Pension Fund also spoke in this ceremony, appreciating the support of Refah Kargaran Bank for this fund, and said: This bank has really transformed in the recent round of its activity and is among the top banks in the country in terms of indicators such as “capital ratio” and “profitability”. Is.

Dr. Seyed Hojat Kazemi said: In recent years, we have seen that the support of Refah Bank to the pensioners of the fund has increased significantly, which deserves appreciation.

He added: The Workers’ Welfare Bank has made valuable achievements in various fields, including information technology, and this fund has tried to advance its support and development programs by using the bank’s electronic capabilities.

The CEO of Foulad Pension Fund stated: So far, a significant part of the pensioners covered by the fund have benefited from the loan facility of Refah Kargaran Bank, which has been paid to them completely absent-mindedly and without the need for applicants to go to branches.

In the end, he stated: Mining and steel industries are among the industries where working in them causes more injuries and physical injuries than other industries, and based on this, in recent years, we have tried to improve medical services for retirees, so that currently All medical expenses of the members are paid by the fund.


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