Banking and insuranceEconomical

Aindeh Bank is a partner and supporter of Speidposhan, the defender of health

According to financial news, The special period of Corona was one of the most difficult periods for the health staff, especially the dear nurses of the country. Therefore, Eindeh Bank in the way of fulfilling its role in fulfilling social responsibilities; He tried to express his gratitude to the medical staff of the whole country in the fight against Corona by successfully implementing the special project “Supporting Health Angels”.

Future Bank as one of the leading banks in offering distinctive banking services and products, along with supporting the country’s economic growth and development in various dimensions to various specialized, general and business areas such as: technology and knowledge-based companies, industry and mining sectors, tourism, culture , agriculture, marriage, childbearing, well-being, job creation and improvement of the country’s production capacity, provided special and non-attendance facilities “Protection of Health Angels”.

This bank paid a total of 50,528 facilities for a total amount of more than 10,000 billion Rials in more than 300 main hospitals providing services to corona patients.

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