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“Akht al-Reza” director: Historical and religious films have a special place in the family portfolio

According to the film reporter of Fars news agency, the movie Akht al-Reza directed by Siddmjatabi Tabatabai is being screened in cinemas all over the country these days. This film, which is a product of the Surah Cinematic Organization, narrates the journey of Hazrat Masoumeh, peace be upon him, from Madinah to Qom.

The audience of historical and religious films is different from the audience of cinemagoers, and the screening of films like Akhtar Reza in cinemas helps to attract diverse and other audiences to cinemas. It is clear that if there is a scripted planning for the production and screening of this kind of films, a wider range of audiences will come to cinemas.

In response to the question of how to increase the audience of this genre of historical works, Saidimjatbi Tabatabai, the director of Akhtar Reza, said: “When we look at the history of cinema, many historical and religious films were made in world cinema, which by the way have attracted a large audience to the cinema and They have received very good feedback, on the other hand, theater has its roots in religious rituals and has gradually taken on the aspect of leisure and entertainment throughout history. So, first, it is better to look at this question from the perspective of why the historical films that are being made recently have a limited audience? It can be said that the reason is the difficulty and complexity of the work and having very serious coordinates and considerations that make this type of work subject to a type of censorship and a type of re-editing.

He also added: “Regarding historical works, there are two important wings, one is the content wing and the other is the technical wing. It has sometimes happened that the work has good features in terms of technical and artistic aspects, but it has not succeeded in terms of content. get an acceptable score, and vice versa, there have been works that are rich in terms of content, but technically, they have not been able to achieve the necessary quality to attract the audience.”

Director Akhtar Reza further said: “Many films were made about the Prophet (pbuh) throughout the history of cinema, and there are one or two about the Prophet (pbuh) that were made by Mr. Majidi and the late Mustafa Akkad, which by the way received good reactions from the audience. had. However, the problem that exists is that the people in charge and the makers of films, especially historical and religious films, still have a weak audience. That is, we have now reached a pattern and structure in fan films and entertaining films at the box office, whose formula is known by the cinematographer, producer and film maker, but due to the little experience he has in making religious films, sometimes in production and perhaps in distribution and post-production. Mistakes have been made and perhaps it could not be seen as it should and attract its audience. A clear example is the film Muhammad Rasoolullah, which, despite the high quality and the effort made by loved ones, was not very successful in its distribution, and this should not be attributed to the lack of success of the audience.

In the end, Seyed Mojtabi Tabatabai said: “Historical and religious films have a special place in the family’s portfolio, despite other films that may attract a certain stratum or face a certain age group, it happens in historical and religious films that the whole family is affected due to ideological conditions. And the sympathy they have for the idea and story can bring them to the cinema. This is a capacity that we are unfortunately neglecting. We hope that something good will happen like this and that everyone will believe that the religious historical film can attract its audience, which is a wide range of society, to the cinemas.”

The movie “Akht al-Reza” was made with the participation of the holy threshold of Hazrat Masoumeh (PBUH) and Karbala Networks (Otbah Hosseini) and has started its screening in cinemas across the country since October 22.

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