cultural and artisticMusic and Art

Amiri: Cinema had a lot of setbacks in the previous government / Producers of “Left, Right” should respect the law

“Salman Amiri” regarding the statement of the Union of Expensive Cinema Producers regarding the ban on left and right films and the reaction of the Producers Union to the cinema reporter of Fars News Agency, said: He made it for the cinema and caused 17 MPs to write a letter to the then Minister of Guidance to quickly ban the film Oxidant.

He continued: the MPs had stated that the reason for this was the insult of this film to the holy divine religions and the creation of divisions. But the important question is, are the gentlemen who have now rallied in support of “Left Right” accountable to public opinion if a scandal like Oxidant occurs?

Amiri said: “First of all, it should be clear that cinema has regressed in the previous government and those who had no control over the field of culture and art and in their opinion had a reformist view of cinema came and destroyed the cinema.”

He continued: “Regarding the statement, I must say that if in the previous period the monitoring cases were done properly, which was not the case in the cinema, it would be better for the gentlemen, instead of starting gangsterism and tribalism, to respect the law mentioned in the statement.” Let the fact that the previous government did not pay attention to the laws of the Islamic Republic and the basic frameworks of the revolution is not a reason to repeat the same flawed procedure.

The cinema expert continued: It is not in the honor of the Islamic Republic to make films such as “Left, Right” with such themes.

In the end, Amiri added: “I hope that the Ministry of Culture will be a steadfast path to the highest path of Islamic-Iranian culture, because everything we do in the field of culture and art must be in line with promoting and consolidating the ideals and discourse of the revolution.”

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