Announcing the details of how to pay the insurance premium for culture and art members

According to Poli Mali News, in a memo of the Art Credit Fund, while publishing explanations about the payment of special subsidies for supplementary medical insurance applicants in 1402, it emphasized on providing the maximum medical services with the minimum payment cost for the insured persons covered by this collection.
According to the announcement of the Art Credit Fund, due to the increase in medical tariffs and other influential factors, which led to an increase of more than 80% in the premium rates of supplementary treatment insurance from insurance companies, the Art Credit Fund tried to increase the amount of supplementary insurance in 1402-1403 Less of this increase should be imposed on the artists and despite the resource limitations, a larger share of supplementary treatment insurance premiums should be assumed and paid by the fund.
Therefore, in Omid plan, each member pays 382 thousand 800 tomans out of the annual amount of 1 million 320 thousand tomans, and 71% of the insurance premium, i.e. 937 thousand 200 tomans, is paid by the fund.
In the peace plan, the member’s share payment amount is 1 million 276 thousand 800 tomans out of the annual amount of 3 million 360 thousand tomans and 62% of the total insurance premium in the amount of 2 million 83 thousand 200 tomans is paid by the fund.
In the welfare plan, out of the annual amount of 5 million 400 thousand tomans, the fund accepts 45% of it, i.e. 2 million 430 thousand tomans, and each member pays 2 million 970 thousand tomans.
People of culture, art, media and activists of the Quran and Atrat all over the country applying for supplementary medical insurance services can, from Saturday 18 to Tuesday 28 September 1402, for 10 days, by referring to the special messenger of the Art Credit Fund at the address app.honarcredit .ir or the Art Credit Fund website to register and benefit from supplementary insurance services for the year 1402-1403.