Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

Applicants of Arbaeen currency should inform the Central Bank of the obstacles

According to the public relations report of the central bank, the central bank has so far paid 250,000 Arbaeen Hosseini pilgrims through six operating banks, and dear pilgrims, if there is any problem in receiving the Arbaeen currency, after visiting the selected branches and observing Possible crowding can inform the central bank by mentioning the name of the branch and the city through the contact number 021-29953612 from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm.

Arbaeen currency applicants now receive their foreign exchange needs at the official rate and directly without the presence of intermediaries and brokers, through 1,500 selected branches of Melli, Tejarat, Sepeh, Saderat, Parsian and Post Bank across the country.

Also, the offline registration process of receiving Arbaeen currency through the “Yes” application is also available, and many respected pilgrims have prepared and received their Arbaeen currency in this way.

The distribution of foreign currency to Arbaeen Hosseini pilgrims this year started from 28/5/1402 and continues until 14/6/1402, and with the measures considered, so far, the required currency of 250,000 applicants has been paid easily and without problems.

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