Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

Appreciation of teacher insurance for cooperation in the direct payment scheme

According to the financial news report, citing the public relations of Moalem Insurance, since January of last year, the judiciary of Hormozgan province has presented a plan as “payment of damages due to accidents by direct reference to insurance companies”, based on which it was decided that the victims of traffic accidents subject to drugs 716 and 717 of the Islamic Penal Code, if desired and considering the forgivability of these crimes, without the need to file a court case, they can be introduced to the insurance companies of the contracting party to receive compensation.

According to this report, 6 insurance companies voluntarily announced their readiness to participate in this project, and during this time frame, all the cases referred to Moalem Insurance branch were examined and the exact damages were paid.

It should be noted that in a meeting that was held in the presence of the Chief Justice of Hormozgan Province, the Chief of Forensic Medicine, Deputy Justices, Traffic Police, the Coordination Council of Insurance Companies of Hormozgan Province and the representative of the Bodily Damage Insurance Fund, Moalem Insurance Company was recognized for its active participation in this The appreciation plan was implemented.

It is worth mentioning that handling and paying damages on time is one of the most important goals of teacher insurance in the way of satisfying the policyholders and the insured.

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