Appreciation of the General Director of Central Insurance for Asmari Insurance’s measures during Insurance Week

According to the financial news report, according to the public relations of Asmari Insurance Company, in the text of the letter of appreciation, which was signed by Ali Ostad Hashemi, the head of Central Insurance, it is stated: “The fulfillment of the lofty ideals of the insurance industry and the restoration of the position of this trust-building industry in Sepehr.” The economy of the country urgently needs the interaction of all elements of the industry, and it goes without saying that no institution alone can improve the level of public culture and consequently the penetration rate of insurance products and services.
Hosting the meeting of trustees, policy makers and experts of that joint stock insurance company on the occasion of the 13th of Azar, the National Insurance Day in Khuzestan province, marked a new chapter in the solidarity of the insurance industry family.
I take it upon myself to appreciate your intelligent planning and sincere companionship. May God grant you success in the protection of the Almighty Lord.