Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

Appreciation of the General Director of Central Insurance for the actions of Cooperative Insurance Company during Insurance Week

According to the financial news report, citing the public relations of Cooperative Insurance Company, in the text of the letter of appreciation, which was signed by Dr. Ali Ostadhashmi, the head of Central Insurance, it is stated: “The fulfillment of the lofty ideals of the insurance industry and the restoration of the position of this trust-building industry in Sepehr.” The economy of the country urgently needs the interaction of all elements of the industry, and it goes without saying that no institution alone can improve the level of public culture and consequently the penetration rate of insurance products and services.

Hosting a meeting of the trustees, policy makers and experts of that insurance company on the occasion of the 13th of Azar, the National Insurance Day in Yazd province, marked a new chapter in the solidarity of the insurance industry family.

I take it upon myself to appreciate your intelligent planning and sincere companionship. May God grant you success in the protection of the Almighty Lord.

Impressive actions of Cooperative Insurance Company during Insurance Week

Insurance Week is a key event in our country’s calendar, which plays an important role in promoting public knowledge and awareness of the insurance industry. In this week, insurance companies and related organizations with special implementation of educational, promotional and motivational programs, will do additional activities to promote insurance culture by providing accurate and attractive information to the audience. As in previous years, Cooperative Insurance Company also implemented its programs in Yazd province with a special focus on this issue, in accordance with the plan announced by Iran Insurance Association and Central Insurance.

Holding a meeting of representatives and brokers of Yazd province with the CEO of Cooperative Insurance Company, informing about the insurance week through the display of billboards and stands in high-traffic areas of Yazd province, as well as holding a joint meeting with “Mohammed Dehghan Monshadi”, the general director of economy and finance of the province, and the Ayatollah. “Mohammadreza Naseri” was the representative of the jurist in the province and the Friday imam of Yazd was one of these measures.

However, the promotional activities of Cooperative Insurance Company this week were not limited to Yazd province, in addition to holding an insurance bell ceremony at “Akhtar Danesh” educational institution in Yazd, which was given gift packages to students including stationery and monthly piggy banks. It was accompanied, this ceremony was also implemented in the Golden Eagle educational group of Hamadan province. Also, concluding a memorandum of cooperation with a number of municipalities, districts, governorates, general managers of departments, employers and heads of companies, managers of residential complexes and school managers regarding the introduction of insurance products in Gilan province, the unveiling of the “Caravan Cooperative” car. “Being the first unit to issue mobile insurance policies and holding a big celebration of insurance partners with the presence of students and their families from November 16 to December 16 in this province can be considered as other measures in this field. It should be mentioned that the branches and agencies of the Cooperative Insurance Company had significant cooperation in holding the insurance week and bell ceremonies in the provinces.

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