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Artists expressed their sympathy with the people of Gaza / breaking the false authority of Zionism – Mehr News Agency | Iran and world’s news

According to the reporter of Mehr, a gathering of artists in support of the oppressed people of Palestine with the presence of a group of artists of cinema, theater, television, music and visual arts was held today, Saturday 29th of Mehr, at the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Tehran.

In this ceremony, painters created works related to the oppressed people of Palestine in the entrance area of ​​the Museum of Contemporary Arts.

Mahmoud Salari, Deputy Artistic Director of the Ministry of Guidance, Mohammad Al-Hayari, Director General of the Music Office, Abbas Azimi, CEO of the Pioneer Artists Institute, Ali Forozanfar, Artistic Director of the Art Zone, Seyed Mohammad Naderi, Director of the Fatah Cultural Foundation, Qadir Ashna, Deputy Director of Technology Development and Studies of the Cinema Organization, Reza Mahdavi, Secretary of the Music Festival Fajar, Hashem Mirzakhani, CEO of Cinemashahr Institute, Mahmoud Gaberlou, Ismail Khalaj, Jalil Farjad, Mohsen Mirza Ali, Mansour Khalaj, Yadullah Fahadari, Mohammad Shiri, Mohsen Ebrahimzadeh, Mohammad Golriz, Hadi Marzban, Farzaneh Kabuli, Reza Banafshekhah, Shahram Shekohi. Vahid Lak, Shahram Noshir and other theater, music and visual artists were present in this event.

The performance of the program started with the narration of Murshid Abulfazl Varmziar.

Ali Khalili, the host of the Palestinian television program “Saat Beh Waqt Quds” was in charge of the ceremony, who at first asked the attendees to keep silent to respect the martyrs of Gaza, especially the children.

He went on to say that many people ask him why he is in Tehran and does not go to Palestine and the battlefield, which he further explained that the struggle of artists is very important and effective just like the struggle with weapons.

Khalili then mentioned the names of Palestinian writers and artists assassinated by the Zionist regime.

Later, after a short clip was broadcast, Mahmoud Salari, the artistic deputy of the Minister of Islamic Guidance, went on stage and said: The idea that Israel cannot protect its citizens will destroy them. Today, it has been proven that this regime can no longer protect its citizens and this intellectual software is damaged.

He continued: Your presence in this ceremony has several implications, one of which is to support the oppressed, and the other, according to the order of the Supreme Leader, is that Israel is damaged and cannot be repaired.

Then Hamidreza Noorbakhsh, CEO of House of Music, made a speech.

He said: These days are sadder and more catastrophic than it is possible to talk about. A person who has feelings cannot easily pass by these tragedies. It is unfortunate that the powers that be support the oppressor and remain silent. Artists cannot be silent about this.

Noorbakhsh reminded: My contemporaries know what bombing and rockets mean. We were a vast country and a cohesive people. Now, in the Gaza Strip, which has a population of about 2 million, the bombing kills many people. I hope that the Zionist criminals will be punished for their actions and the oppressed people of Palestine will be freed.Talebi: When some vultures around the figure of a great artist mock a great woman who speaks of fighting against Zionism, they showed that we also have a Zionist artist who uses every opportunity to attack the system.

Later, Gholamreza Sanatgar performed live music.

Houshang Tavakoli was another speaker of this event. He reminded: The authority of the Zionist regime was defeated and this is the most important issue and the rest is on the sidelines. If we control the margin correctly, the martyrdom of the men, women and children of Gaza will not diminish.

He noted: Right after the Supreme Leader’s message about the victory of Hamas and the defeat of Israel, the late Dariush Mehrjooi was killed so that the message of the Supreme Leader would be diminished. We mourned the people of Gaza and the death of Dariush Mehrjooi and his wife.

Tavakli stated: The duality in the people must be resolved so that whatever happens is not related to the system that is trying day and night for stability and progress.

He reminded: SAVAK tried to have absolute domination throughout Iran by using various tools, including cultural and artistic tools. Dr. Gholamhossein Saedi was the leader in expressing the terror of SAVAK in his works. After the revolution, we didn’t need to double talk anymore. For 42 years, we have been telling cultural and artistic directors to pay attention to Gholamhossein Saedi in a festival. Managers and officials must fulfill their duties, therefore, the artistic deputy must form a working group to examine various works of art.

Tavakli added: When Mehrjoui’s living daughter says that the killer is among us, it means that we have returned to 100 years ago and artists and cultural managers did not think about this. Let’s stop duplicity, division and slander.

Later, Mohammad Golriz performed a musical piece “Palestine”.

Abolqasem Talebi was another speaker of the event who went on stage and said: “A huge incident has happened and the false authority of Zionism has been broken.” Biden said that Zionism must not be Jewish, and this is the only correct statement in his life. We also have Christians, mullahs, artists, poets and writers of Zionism.

He noted: When some vultures around the figure of a great artist mock a great woman who speaks of fighting against Zionism, they showed that we also have a Zionist artist who uses every opportunity to attack the system.

Talebi clarified: We must know that among us there are vultures in the clothes of swallows and they weave and say sentences for themselves every day and they are happy. I am sorry for the presence of such people among us and I salute you brave people. We know that Zionism does not have patience for our brave men and like Seifala Dad, Nader Talebzadeh and Farajollah Selahshor, they will be taken away from us with disease.Khazaei: In the Karbala incident, some groups were looking for rewards and some were neutral and regretted after Ashura, but the third group were wise and stood in the right place. Lest there be another Ashura and we choose the wrong place to be

Then, the song “Al-Aqsa Storm” made in Sedav Sima Song and Music Center was played.

Mohammad Khazaei, the head of another film organization, was the speaker of the event. He said: We have all gathered together to sympathize with the people of Gaza. Where do we stand in history? We have to choose which people to stand next to. The widespread propaganda of the Yazid government made many people make a mistake in their choice. In the incident of Karbala, some groups were looking for rewards and some were neutral and regretted after Ashura, but the third group were wise and stood in the right place.

He clarified: “Let there not be another Ashura and we choose the wrong place to be.”

Khazaei stated: Artists stand by the people of Gaza. It doesn’t matter what the propaganda machines of the enemies say today, but throughout history it is clear that the resistance is victorious.

Then Amir Dejakam went on stage and said: I am here on behalf of humanity and myself. In 2014, I wrote an article that is a conversation between a mother and her child, which I am reading to you today.

He then read his written article.

Dejakam noted: The images I see make my soul burn and I am ashamed of myself living in a world that does this to its children.

Then the “Al-Ghadir” international anthem group performed the program.

Mohammad Mahdi Tedin, the director of Azad Art Schools, also made a speech during the ceremony.

In this part of the ceremony, audio communication was established with one of the journalists present in Gaza.

Then, Ali Ashraf Tokunabadi, as a representative of visual artists, made a speech and said: Today, the situation of all people who oppose the oppressors and support the oppressed is not good. How can we calm down when we see mothers and fathers crying at the separation of their children and families. Today, the hearts of all free artists are sad.

In the continuation of the ceremony, with the presence of the artistic deputy of the Minister of Guidance, Mohammad Hashemi Qaim, the Minister of Guidance and the Director General of Visual Arts of the Ministry of Guidance, the son of martyr Haj Nazef Saleh, one of the commanders who was recently martyred in Gaza, was honored.

This martyr’s son said: “Today, the place of the oppressor and the oppressed, the guilty and the innocent has been determined, and no one can come up with a justification.”

He emphasized: Today, the battle in Palestine is not national and on the ground, but it is an Islamic battle, and its goal is the holy and Islamic holy place.

In the end, he demanded that artists reflect the correct narratives to the world with their works and activities in contrast to the false Zionist narratives.

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