At the moment, no decision has been taken to liquidate the banks

The Secretary of the Association of Private Banks and Credit Institutions stated: The liquidation of banks and financial and credit institutions is the responsibility of the Central Bank, and no definitive decision has been made in this regard yet.
Mohammadreza Jamshidi said about the liquidation of three credit institutions that was recently announced by the Governor of the Central Bank:
He continued: “An institution has not yet been introduced for liquidation, which talked about the reasons for their liquidation.”
Jamshidi stated about the activities of the many funds that are active in the Qarzul-Hosna loan debate and their assignments: Every group that deals with banking matters must receive the licenses of the Central Bank and private funds must be subject to the rules of the Central Bank and it has been announced that these funds must also be organized. adapt their work to the existing laws and get permission from the central bank.
The Secretary of the Association of Banks and Private Credit Institutions emphasized that if there is an institution or a fund that has not gone through this procedure, it is considered unauthorized, and said: There are no statistics of unauthorized institutions and funds, and in order to avoid any problems, no one from these collections Unauthorized will not be notified.
He also answered the question that why banking regulations are implemented in different ways in different branches and why, for example, why one bank branch requires two guarantors and another bank branch requires one guarantor to receive a loan, he said: I emphasize. that the regulations do not change, but the head of the branch determines what decision to make about a request based on the validation, and this determination may be different from the head of another branch, and maybe the banking regulations are implemented in each bank differently from another bank, but its implementation in the branches is the same The bank is the same and integrated.
Jamshidi stressed: But regarding the facilities, the regulations are different depending on what facilities are requested, and if the facilities of Qarz Al-Hosna are childbearing and marriage, the Central Bank has clarified the duty in this regard and does not require one more guarantor.
The Secretary of the Association of Banks and Private Credit Institutions continued: It is possible for a person to apply for a Qarz Al-Hosna loan and nominate a person as a guarantor, but based on the validation, that bank determines that this person is unable to repay the loan installments and requests to nominate another person. as a guarantor, this does not mean that introducing two guarantors is mandatory.
He said: Qarzul Hosna loan should be guaranteed by someone whose monthly income is enough to be able to pay the installments if needed. Finally, the criteria of the branches for any facility, whether it is Qarz Al-Hasna or other facilities, is the validation of the borrower and the guarantor.
Jamshidi emphasized: the regulations are the same for all banks, the authority of which is the Central Bank, and the law says that a loan should be provided to someone whose repayment is assured, and a bank may determine that according to the creditworthiness of the applicant or its guarantor, He is not eligible for the desired conditions, but another bank will accept the risk of providing a loan to the same person with the same conditions and provide the requested loan.