Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

Auction for the sale of shares of Arian industrial development companies

According to the financial news report, in order to participate in the auction and receive the documents, applicants should go to the address of Arin Industrial Development Company located in Tehran, Duros, Hedayat Square, No. 14, Shadlo St., 4th floor, or to get more information by phone 021-26656398, also to purchase the auction documents, the amount of 500,000 rials has been deposited to the account 106.840.878208.1 and Shaba number IR38.0690.0106.84000.878.2080.01 in the name of Arin Development Company (auctioneer) at Iran Zamin Bank. And to receive the auction documents along with the deposit slip, refer to the company’s address.

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