
Average monthly rent in Karaj / Hashtgerd more expensive than Golshahr!

According to Tejarat News, based on the data in the table below, Gohardasht, Ferdis, along with Baghistan and Andisheh neighborhoods with an average monthly rent in the channel of two million Tomans, are among the cheap areas of Karaj to buy a house.

Also, the new city of Andisheh and Golshahr neighborhood, with an average rent of about three million tomans for an 80-meter apartment, are considered as other cheap areas for rent in Karaj.

According to the ads of the wall platform in the housing needs of Alborz province, the average rent of an 80-meter apartment in the last 10 days (second week of October) in Shahin Villa neighborhood is 4 million Tomans, Mohammadshahr and Banafsheh town are about 4.4 million Tomans and Marlik with an average rent of 4.9 Million Tomans has been registered.

The average rent of an apartment in Samandegi and Mehrovila neighborhoods in the wall requirements is 5.2 million Tomans. Mehrshahr – Phase 4 and the new cities of Hashtgerd and Meshkinasht are among the neighborhoods that have been registered with an average monthly rent in the range of 5.2 million Tomans to 5.8 million Tomans.

Manzaria and Mehr and Mehrshahr alleys – Phase 1 are among those neighborhoods in Karaj that, according to the wall wall ads, the average rent in these neighborhoods has been registered in the channel of 6 million Tomans.

Neighborhoods that have been announced with an average rent in the channel of seven million Tomans Mehrshahr neighborhoods – Phase 3 with an average rent of 7 million Tomans and Abrisham and Kamalshahr town with a price of 7.6 million Tomans and Zanbak alley with an average rent of 7.7 million Tomans have been registered. .

Among the neighborhoods that are registered in the advertisements of Divar website, the average rent of an apartment in Mahdasht is 8 million Tomans and Kian Mehr is 8.8 million Tomans, which has a higher average rent than other neighborhoods.

In the table below, you can see the average monthly rent of apartments in some areas of Karaj and its suburbs.

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