Azadi 19 sentenced to retribution

According to the report of Ekhtaz Online, quoted by Isna, Ali Al-Qasi, in the ceremony of releasing 19 people sentenced to retribution after the death of their parents and the end of the punishment period in terms of the general aspect of the crime, with appreciation for the comprehensive and effective efforts of the General and Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office of Tehran, the head of the 27th District Prosecutor’s Office , Tehran Provincial Dispute Resolution Councils, Tehran Provincial Prisons General Administration, Peace Helpers and Charity in order to obtain consent from parents in self-retribution cases stated: Without a doubt, the action that took place today would not have been possible without the empathy, like-mindedness and participation of all the mentioned departments. And if it wasn’t for this empathy and cooperation, surely many successes would not have been achieved.
He also expressed special appreciation for the spirit and forgiveness of the guardians of the deceased, in this ceremony which was held in the hall of the Imam Khomeini Judicial Complex in the presence of their families, he stated: The guardians of the deceased are those who have their loved ones in a criminal process. They have lost on purpose and are grieving, but today with their death and their great secretary, they made a very important and valuable event and after giving up their shari’a and legal right, they gave 19 people who had slipped and deviated, a chance to live again, and that’s why We appreciate these loved ones.
In another part of his speech, he mentioned the importance of the issue of “past” in the society and said: the analysis of many murder cases indicates that the murder occurred due to momentary anger and due to lack of forgiveness; Maybe if a person gets angry at that moment and controls his anger, many bitter incidents will not happen.
The Chief Justice of Tehran Province, Babyan, said that “the most important lesson that parents teach the society is the lesson of forgiveness and forgiveness while being the owner of the right”. has mentioned the source of life, stability and durability of the society; But in addition to this, God Almighty has recommended forgiveness and forgiveness in many instances and has considered a worthy afterlife reward for it.
He gave advice to 19 people sentenced to retribution who were pardoned after the death of their guardians and said: All of you who are present here today, first of all, as long as you are alive on earth, you must owe yourselves to the guardians of the dem. Know and appreciate them, secondly, always keep in mind that the doors of God’s mercy are open to sinful people and do not despair of God’s mercy, and thirdly, after returning to society, lead an honorable life and correct your past mistakes. do.
Referring to the important and effective role of benefactors in obtaining the consent of the guardians, he acknowledged: the dear ones who have come to the field under the title of charity in the field of obtaining the consent of the guardians, their actions truly have a divine color and smell and will have a special reward in the sight of the Almighty Lord. Was.
Emphasizing the need to expand and develop the culture of peace and compromise in the society, Al-Qasi said: Forgiveness becomes meaningful at the same time as the owner of the right, and this is exactly the concept that today’s society needs, and based on this, it is a reflection of a valuable and godly act. which takes place today, will play a significant role in the growth, excellence and growth of the society.
Referring to the preparation for the release of 1,614 prisoners this year with the help of benefactors, he said: since the beginning of this year, with the efforts and actions of the parents, preparations have been made for the release of 45 prisoners. .
In the final part of his speech, he emphasized the need to change society’s view of prisoners and stated: We should pay attention to the fact that not all those who are in prison are inherently bad and dirty people; Rather, many people have gone to prison simply because of an incident, a mistake, and a slip, and they have the potential to return to society, and it is the human duty of the members of the society to provide the opportunity for such persons to return to society.
In this meeting, Ali Salehi, the prosecutor of Tehran, also thanked the members of the dispute resolution councils, the head of the prosecutor’s office for criminal affairs, parents and benefactors for their assistance in returning to life 19 people sentenced to retribution.
Mohammad Shahriari, acting head of Tehran’s Criminal Affairs Prosecutor’s Office, also stated in this meeting that with the efforts made, 10 meetings for the release of those sentenced to retribution have been held collectively. Peace and compromise regarding those sentenced to retribution are being continuously carried out with the cooperation of dispute resolution councils, and peace helpers are working in the criminal affairs court of Tehran without any intention of obtaining consent from their parents. Efforts to create peace and compromise in murder cases continue even until the moment of execution of the sentence, and efforts are made to create peace and compromise in the designated place in the prison, which fortunately has been successful in many cases.
The representative of Khairin also stated in this meeting: In many cases, people commit murder due to an incident and a physical encounter; Therefore, helping such people who are in trouble due to a moment of negligence is actually a kind of deal with the Almighty God.
In the final part of this ceremony, the Chief Justice of Tehran province expressed his gratitude by awarding a certificate of appreciation to the judges, judicial officials and benefactors who worked to create peace and compromise in retribution cases, and 19 of those sentenced to retribution were pardoned by their parents. And at the end of the punishment period in terms of the general aspect of the crime, they were released in the court of justice of Tehran province and returned to their families.