Banking and insuranceEconomical

Bank Iran مینZamin in the effort of environmental protection

According to the monetary financial news quoted by Dynamic Development, while the banking sector of the country with facilities to support polluting industries, has not been able to play a proper role in terms of directing social responsibility in the field of directing products to technology and clean production methods. The sponsor of polluted products and industries has become environmentally incompetent, Bank Iran-Zamin has tried to understand its responsibility and fulfill its duties in this regard.

The officials of this bank have found that the incorrect support structure of the banking system for polluting industries and products leads to an increase in the emission of environmental pollutants, and therefore they have reformed this support structure and banking facilities to play a role in improving the environment.

In order to achieve social role-playing, in addition to measures such as building schools in deprived areas, supporting the production of the domestic corona vaccine and… categories of social responsibility from an environmental perspective, Bank Iran-Zamin has seriously pursued it. For many years, this bank has been holding the environmental campaign “#Him_One_Land” with the beginning of spring with the aim of cleaning the environment in the form of a photo and painting contest.

Also, this bank, as a serious and concerned supporter of the country’s environment, has been emphasizing its prominent and sensitive role in this field since 1995, in the form of supporting the Yahya Award – the prominent environmentalist of the martyr, Yahya Shahkooh. Previously, Iranzamin has been one of the pioneers of environmental activities among banks by launching an environmental tree planting campaign called “Land Courier”.

The bank’s actions in terms of its environmental responsibility do not end there. Implementation of clean-up programs across the country by bank personnel, making a thirsty forest anthem, supporting a painting contest for children and adolescents entitled “Green Productivity and preserving the environment”, creating a Hamyar Bank application to remove bank paper brochures, “One drop less water” contest “Allergy scan for energy consumption” to modify the consumption pattern, “I am also a forester” scan, “My share for the wetland” scan for the survival of this valuable habitat and similar measures can be added to this list.

Abdolmajid Poursaid, CEO of Bank Iran Zamin, believes in green banking: “Banks have always been considered as one of the pillars of the implementation of environmental programs and sustainable development of the economy. “When they provide an important role in reducing the consumption of limited resources by providing digital services, and what role they can play in production and the economy in this field.”

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