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Bank Mellat distributed a dividend of 130 Rials per share

According to the financial news report, quoted by the public relations of Bank Mellat, Reza Dolatabadi, the CEO of Bank Mellat, thanked the shareholders, managers and employees of Bank Mellat for recording a good performance last year. Bank executives read and stated: Last year, Bank Mellat, relying on these support and efforts, turned from the third bank to the first bank and left behind the two super banks of the country.

Dolatabadi, in explaining the performance report of this bank in the annual ordinary general meeting of the period ending at the end of March 1401, stating this point, in 1401, bank resources became more qualitative and the cost price of the bank’s money decreased by more than two percent from 17.3 percent in In March 1400, it decreased to 15.1% in March 1401, he pointed to the 54% growth of the bank’s resources last year and reminded: this is while the costs of bank deposits increased by only 32%. According to Dolatabadi, Bank Mellat’s percentage share of 4 rial deposits of 6 large commercial banks increased from 19% in March 1400 to 22.3% in March last year, which shows a growth of more than three percent.

He announced the increase in Bank Mellat’s liquidity share from 10.65% in 1400 to 12.86% in 1402 with a growth of more than two percent and said: This bank has been successful in paying fixed interest to its depositors in the past years. and this year after the approval, this difference will be paid. Daulat Abadi pointed to the 186% growth in Bank Mellat’s profitability last year and stated: Bank Mellat’s operating profit after deducting the currency exchange rate has grown by 370%. and it increased from 45 thousand billion Rials in 1400 to 213 thousand billion Rials last year. He mentioned and added: With the support of the shareholders, a new capital increase will be placed on the bank’s agenda this year from the accumulated profit so that the bank can benefit from the tax exemptions of this capital increase and as the largest stock market bank in the country by a long distance. become compared to competitors.

The CEO of Bank Mellat stated that 1401 was one of the most successful years of Bank Mellat and emphasized: At the same time, this bank performed very well in the first two or three months of this year compared to the same period last year and hopes that can register a better performance than last year. Referring to the 140% yield of Bank Mellat shares in the stock market in the last 15 months, he noted: the yield of the banking industry during this period is 48%, the yield of the total index is 58%, and the yield of the balanced index is 110%. percent, and the second-ranked bank has given its shareholders a return of 65 percent.

Dolatabadi also stated that Bank Mellat’s stock return in the last three months was 54% and this return was higher than the banking industry index, the total index, the balanced index and large stock market banks. Mellat pointed out and added: the amount of these guarantees has increased from about 550 thousand billion rials in March 1400 to more than 973 thousand billion rials at the end of last year.

The CEO of Mellat Bank also emphasized that Bank Mellat has achieved the highest capital adequacy ratio in the history of its activity by increasing its capital by 34% last year and recorded a capital adequacy ratio of 9.26. At the beginning of this year, he pointed out and said: the share of Bank Mellat’s resources among commercial banks in May of last year was equal to 21.8%, which increased by one percent to 22.8% at the end of May this year, and the price of money The bank has also decreased by one percent.

According to him, Bank Mellat’s share of commercial banks’ obligations also increased significantly at the end of May this year, and the bank’s profit also increased by 100% from 30 thousand billion Rials to 60 thousand billion Rials compared to the same period last year. Is.

Masoud Nasr Esfahani, the chairman of the board of directors and chairman of the Annual General Assembly of Mellat Bank, also expressed his appreciation for the support of the shareholders, employees and customers of this bank and expressed his hope that with the plans made and the cooperation and coordination of all stakeholders, Bank Mellat will be able to This year, record a brighter record than the previous year.

He added: Last year, Bank Mellat managed to obtain the most income by properly managing the resources at its disposal and controlling numerous risks, far more than other banks, and in the net income of facilities, the growth of the market value, foreign currency assets, expenses, The operating balance and current deposit have also been assigned the first rank. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bank Mellat added: Bank Mellat has always been known as one of the low-risk banks with a reasonable and rational capital adequacy ratio, and the rules of the Central Bank and discipline According to this report, Bank Mellat distributed 130 Rials per share to the shareholders in its annual general meeting, and the rest of the remaining amount of 1274 Rials was transferred to the accumulated interest account for capital increase. will be.

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