Baran software facilitates the accounting process

Baran software group is a provider of intelligent software solutions for store and restaurant management; You can read Ecomotive’s interview with Mohammad Mozafarian, CEO of Baran Software Company below:
Introduce yourself and tell us about the experiences you had before starting this business.
I am Mohammad Mozafarian, CEO of Baran Software Company. First in the field Marketing And I was selling accounting software to a dear business. My effort was to provide the best and most appropriate accounting software to the market, considering the needs of these people and considering that nowadays accounting is the beating heart of any business and also the use of accounting software has become an integral part of all businesses. present and take a step towards the evolution of this field.
Introduce your business. How did you come up with this idea? How did you do the needs assessment process?
Today, we are working in the field of sales mechanization, facilitating the reporting process and accounting affairs of various trades, and our goal is that the store managers can provide the development and prosperity of their businesses by using a practical software. In fact, the need of the store managers to monitor the store’s income and expenses and perform accounting and various reports in the shortest time caused the formation of Baran software. During my work as a sales manager, I realized that Store ha and Restaurant They need a software that they can easily work with and that does not have problems such as software complexity, lack of comprehensive facilities, problems of support, reporting, etc. Software speed was also a very important factor for users. Especially for those restaurants that may register more than 500 invoices during the day. Also, the need for continuous, very fast and accurate support is another factor considered by business owners.
How many people are there in the team and what are their specialties? How was the formation of the team?
Currently, we are about 22 people. Our team generally consists of four units. The first unit of the administrative and financial department; The second unit of the sales and marketing department and representative affairs; The third unit is the programming department, whose main work until a year ago was the production of Baran software; Since the beginning of the year, 1400 website design units have been added to the programming team so that we can meet the needs of our customers in the area of their business activities in the online space; The fourth unit is the support department, which is ready to respond and provide services to our dear customers at any moment.
How did you enter the market? What marketing methods did you consider?
After researching the market, we came to the conclusion that today, business owners need a software that accelerates their sales operations, but is easy to work with and can provide diverse and accurate reports on the financial status and other business information. Prepare their work. Often, our sales model is through negotiation with the owners of this business and assessing their needs and providing products based on their needs. Another method we have counted on for marketing is our satisfied customers. That is called word-of-mouth marketing. It was very interesting for us that current customers who are satisfied with the software and its performance introduce new customers to us, and this has been one of the factors in the development of our business and Baran software. Another channel that we considered for marketing was digital marketing, which was seriously launched in 1400, and we took good steps in the field of SEO as well as advertising in social networks.
Do you have competitors in the market? What is your competitive advantage?
Currently, many good companies are operating in the field of software production. The distinguishing feature of these companies is often the price of the software, the type of support services, and the variety in connecting to all types of hardware, which may be very important for the manager of a store. Many businesses are looking for software that is easy to use and the user does not need much accounting knowledge to work with the software. Also, with the increase in the amount of information, there will be no problems in document registration and reporting. According to the customers themselves, especially those who used other software before getting to know Baran, the ease of working with Baran software is one of its most important features.
Is there a successful foreign example for your business? Is there a possibility of competitors entering your market?
Of course, there are definitely foreign examples in this field, but in our business culture, it is difficult to use a software that is not native, and it is likely that it will be difficult for them to enter this market. In addition, our country has performed really well in the field of software production and competition with these companies will definitely make it difficult for foreign competitors.
How long did it take you to get to the initial version of the product?
Using a cohesive and professional team, we were able to provide the first version of the software in the shortest time, precisely the first version we needed was ready after three months and we released it to the market.
Have you ever gone through the fundraising or acceleration process? Are you planning to attract capital?
It should be said about investment investorIt plays a key role in realizing the goals and strategies of companies. Sometimes, to continue growing, you need to upgrade your business and need to raise capital. In fact, all businesses need to attract capital after a period. This issue is one of the requirements of the market and we are not separate. Our current investment is mostly spent on advertising and branding and human resources. Currently, we do not have a plan to attract capital, but we will definitely consider this issue in the future with the development of our collection.
What challenges did you face in developing your business? How did you manage them?
On the way to developing a business, you face various challenges such as new competitors, diverse customer needs, ever-increasing demands of the workforce and many other challenges; But perhaps the biggest challenge of businesses is to create an organizational attitude in the managers and personnel of the organization, which should be done with diverse and detailed training. We must accept that everyone sees the world through a different lens. Perceptions and attitudes are formed based on experiences and circumstances. In the workplace, sometimes the goals and expectations of employees overlap with managers and sometimes they are very different from them. A manager’s attitude towards employees can have a great impact on the overall attitude of employees towards work. Our effort has always been to create an integrated organizational attitude in our group with factors such as job satisfaction, job commitment, emotional connection with employees and solving personal problems and problems. In my opinion, in organizations where there is a sense of trust between employees and management, a more positive organizational attitude is observed. This positive attitude increases productivity, and as a result, the number of absenteeism in the workplace decreases.
Have you found yourself in a situation where you think about closing your business?
Definitely not. We do our best to continue the path and goal in front of us with more strength every day. Just a few months ago, we redesigned the visual identity of the Baran brand, which shows our long-term view of being present in this market.
Did you receive important feedback from your users that led to the improvement of your product?
Being open to feedback definitely helps people and businesses grow, give them purpose, and improve productivity. Our effort has been to put customer orientation in the priority of our work and try to make the product we produce meet the customer’s needs. Not that it is only a good product from our point of view.
What fields are you planning to enter? What are your plans for product development?
Due to the rapid growth of technology and the IT world, we plan to start the client’s website in the coming years, and by connecting it to Baran software, we will be able to provide more complete and integrated services to our clients.
If you were to go this route again; What things did you do earlier and what things did you not do?
I personally believe that the path we took was right, despite this, we have always tried to correct the weak points and strengthen the strong points of our work and will continue to do so.
What do you expect from government institutions?
Considering that small and medium-sized companies and businesses are the main factor of economic growth and technological progress of the country, it is expected to support the groups that are creating jobs and have a small team of 20 people under the cover, and if there is no support, at least In the area Insurance And tax, municipality and other government bodies accompany businesses.
last word
The first step in starting a business is to identify a problem and find a solution. many of Startup Successful ones start with business ideas that meet the needs of a group of customers. But it doesn’t always have to be a new idea. They can update existing products or services in a way that works best for the consumer, add a new feature or change its appearance, and then develop a business plan. Writing a business plan for Financing Startups are important. Banks are more likely to lend to companies that can clearly explain how they will use the loan and why they need it. In the next step, to cover their expenses, seek financing from friends and family, bank loans and venture capitalists, etc. After that, they should use the help of consultants. Starting a business can be risky. For this reason, they need business consultants such as lawyers, certified accountants, insurance experts, etc. I also advise the startups to first know the needs of the market they want to enter, and before producing a product, make sure that their product will sell in that market, and then start production.
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