Belly and side fat burning

If you are overweight and belly and flank obesity bothers you, and you are also looking for the best and fastest way to burn belly fat, this article is written for you. In the following, we examine the most important causes of obesity in these areas and evaluate the benefits of weight loss from different aspects. By performing sports movements and paying attention to the following nutritional matters, fitness will no longer be a dream. Stay with us until the end.
What we read in this article
The cause of abdominal and side obesity
Abdominal and flank obesity is a major problem for most people, which occurs for various reasons. One of the main reasons is overeating and lack of exercise. When a person eats more than the daily requirement and has little physical activity, fat accumulates in the abdomen, sides, thighs, and arms and disturbs the person’s fitness. Of course, this is not the only reason for obesity in these areas, and other causes also play a role in obesity and overweight, which we will examine below:
One of the most important causes of obesity is genetics. If overweight and obesity are noticeable in your family, it is better to think about burning belly fat beforehand.
Hormonal changes
Hormones play an essential role in the distribution of body fat. Hormonal imbalance may be associated with increased feelings of hunger, changes in metabolism, and increased stress levels, which ultimately lead to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area.
Women experience hormonal changes during menopause. An increase in the level of cortisol or stress hormone during this period can lead to an increase in fat in the abdomen.
lack of sleep
Lack of sleep increases the production of stress hormones in the body. These hormones will eventually lead to weight gain, especially in the flanks and abdomen.
high blood pressure
Stress increases the risk of fat accumulation in the abdominal area by increasing cortisol levels or increasing appetite.
Consumption of sweet, low-protein and low-fiber food and drinks
Sweet food and drinks due to the presence of large amounts of additives, preservatives and artificial colors and low-protein foods due to the reduction of body metabolism and low-fiber foods due to the feeling of early hunger are associated with the risk of increasing fat in the abdomen and sides. If you don’t have a proper diet, include side belly fat burning in your daily plans.
alcohol consumption
As you know, alcohol is broken down into sugar in the body and the excess sugar turns into fat. This excess sugar caused by alcohol consumption will eventually lead to obesity and overweight.
The most important reasons for burning belly fat
The first and most important reason for burning fat is to get fit. We all love to be fit and almost no one is satisfied with being fat and overweight; So, if a lot of fat accumulated in the sides, abdomen and thighs bothers you, you must think about losing weight and reaching your ideal weight. Other reasons for burning belly fat include the following:
Reducing the risk of underlying diseases
Cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure and diabetes are among the most common underlying diseases, one of the most important causes of which is obesity. Losing weight and burning fat helps people to reduce the risk of these diseases to a great extent.
Reducing the risk of cancer
It is not bad to know that obesity is associated with the risk of 5 types of cancer. Losing weight largely protects a person from these diseases.
Reducing the risk of joint diseases and arthritis
We all know that obesity and overweight puts a lot of pressure on the spine and body joints, especially in the legs; So by burning side belly fat, these risks can be greatly reduced.
increasing the self confiedence
Another benefit of fitness is increasing self-confidence. When a person is obese and overweight, he becomes more sensitive, and he may suffer from depression under the influence of other people’s words. By losing weight and getting fit, happy hormones are released in a person’s body, and depression and low self-confidence are removed from him.
Exercises effective in burning belly and side fat
Exercising is one of the best, cheapest and of course the most effective ways to burn belly fat. Exercising regularly will help you regain your fitness. In the following, some effective exercise movements in reducing abdominal fat will be introduced to you dear ones.
sat down
To do this exercise, lie down on a soft mat. Bend your knees and place your feet on the ground. Cross your hands on your chest or behind your ears. by contracting the abdomen and without creating an arch in the waist; Lift your head, shoulders, and chest to reach near your knees, then return to the starting position. Pay attention to keep the head away from the chin so as not to put pressure on the neck. Do not hook the hands behind the neck. Inhale while lying down and exhale while sitting.
To perform this exercise, stand and spread your legs shoulder width apart. Keep the head forward, keep the back straight and bend the knees forward. Slowly lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground, then return to the starting position.
Reverse crunch
Lie on your back on the floor and place your hands in line with your body. Bend the knees and place the soles of the feet on the floor. Raise the legs from the hips to make a 90 degree angle with the ground. Then lower the legs and return to the initial position. Repeat it up to 30 times for more effect in burning side belly fat.
Lie flat on the floor. Place the palms of the hands on the floor and turn the tips of the toes towards the floor. If it is difficult for you to bear weight, put the elbow on the floor. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. In the next step, raise one leg about 15 cm and hold for a few seconds. You can repeat this movement up to 30 times.
Another exercise that is useful for burning belly fat. This sport not only helps you to be fit, but also very fun and invigorating. In order to reach the ideal weight, it is recommended to do butterfly swimming and flutter kicker for one hour a week.
Adhering to a healthy diet is another effective way to burn body fat
As mentioned in the previous sections, abdominal obesity occurs for various reasons, among which the most important reason for its occurrence is the consumption of high-calorie, fast food, low-protein, sweet and fatty foods; So if you are looking for fitness, following a diet along with exercise will be very effective. In the following, we will examine the most important points of the effective diet in burning belly fat:
Decreased calorie intake
Reducing only 3,500 calories per week will result in weight loss of half a kilo. It is recommended to divide these 3500 calories among different days of the week. This is easily possible with exercise and diet changes.
Increase the number of meals
You may be surprised by reading this headline; But if you add the number of your meals; But if the amount of food in each meal is less, you will feel the effects of burning belly fat.
Consume more protein
Foods such as meat, chicken, fish, curd and eggs are the best sources of protein. Consuming these foods will help you stay full for a longer period of time, thus reducing carbohydrate consumption, which is the main cause of obesity. On the other hand, the consumption of these foods increases the body’s metabolism and helps maintain blood sugar balance.
Fruit and vegetable consumption
Other foods that help to burn belly fat are fruits and vegetables; Because they contain a lot of fiber in their composition. A lot of fiber eliminates the feeling of hunger and helps to increase the body’s metabolism by burning fats. Spinach, broccoli, kale, bananas, apples, pineapples and oranges are the best sources of fiber.
Drink plenty of water
Abundant consumption of water increases the process of metabolism and body tissue formation; In addition, it detoxifies and reduces appetite. If you cannot drink enough water, flavor it by adding mint, lemon, etc. It is recommended to replace soft drinks, syrups and juices with low-calorie drinks such as green tea.
The most important thing to lose weight and maintain it
If you intend to lose weight and burn belly fat, you should know that the most important principle in implementing this goal is adherence to the exercise and diet plan. Don’t forget that losing weight and getting in shape won’t happen overnight, and to achieve and maintain it, you have to keep your spirits up and don’t get discouraged. Another important point is to do sports correctly along with diet. By exercising and not sticking to a healthy diet, weight loss will never happen. In your opinion, what other points are important and necessary to pay attention to in this way?
Taken from Mehsa Online website (