Beware of new scams

According to the financial news report, citing the public relations of the National Bank of Iran, customers should be aware of invalid phone calls and text messages or suspicious messages sent in cyberspace with titles such as paying a gift, winning a prize, calling from radio programs and Announcing the winnings of people and… can be a trap for fraudsters for frequent withdrawals from their bank accounts.
Also, National Bank of Iran requests its valued customers to refrain from disclosing their banking information in order to prevent any forgery and fraud and bear losses.
To make any internet transaction, in addition to the second code of the card, it is necessary to enter the card number, expiration date and cvv2 number. By sending the image of their bank card to others, they easily provide this information to the profit-seeking people, which should be in this field. He also paid special attention to security points.
Another method of cybercriminals is to send messages containing infected and fake links through native and non-native messengers or sending text messages. Customers should not trust the messages sent through phone numbers or invalid and personal user accounts. Even if the message was apparently sent from legal centers such as the Adliran judiciary, banks, justice shares, etc.
The National Bank of Iran requests the customers to increase their knowledge in the use of electronic and internet services, to be aware of the possibility of abuse by profiteers.
Users of internet systems should also be aware of security tips to distinguish authentic sites from fake pages; Having a small safety lock in the address bar is one of the most important things, especially on banking sites.
Also, the site address must use the ir domain, just like the bank domains (; But usually phishing and fraud sites use different domains in this field.
The last point is the URL or site address, which must use the SSL security protocol or //:https at the beginning of the website’s Internet address.