Europe and AmericaInternational

Biden’s Fury at Fuel Stationers: Cut the Price Now

US President Joe Biden added on Saturday local time on his account on Twitter: “My message to the companies that operate fuel stations and set the price of gasoline at the stations is simple: now is the time of war and global danger.”

He clarified: Reduce the price at fuel stations to reflect the cost you pay for the product. Do it now.

The unprecedented increase in gasoline prices and the delay and cancellation of flights in the United States have made the current holiday weekend, which is associated with the Fourth of July holiday of the United States Independence Day, bitter to the taste of Americans.

The American Automobile Association has announced that about 48 million people are expected to enter the country’s roads during the holidays (Saturday, Sunday and Monday).

On the other hand, ahead of the Fourth of July weekend, the state of California has increased the tax on gasoline.

The fuel tax increase means Californians will now pay 53.9 cents in excise tax per gallon (about 3.8 liters), which is 2.8 cents per gallon over the excise tax last fiscal year. more than.

Gasoline prices have hit record highs in California and across the U.S. in the past few months as the war in Ukraine has put pressure on global energy markets.

While gasoline prices in the country have fallen in recent days, data from the American Automobile Association showed that the average price per gallon (3.8 liters) of gasoline across the United States was $4.84 on Friday.

Among US states, California has the highest fuel prices at $6.27 per gallon, followed by Hawaii and Alaska in second and third place.

At $4.40 per gallon, Louisiana offers the cheapest gas prices in the US.

Meanwhile, the President of the United States has asked the Congress to approve a three-month suspension of the gasoline tax to help deal with the unprecedented increase in gasoline prices in this country and to reduce the costs of American families during this summer season, but at the same time He has admitted that this action alone will not solve the problem of high gasoline prices, and he admitted the effects of anti-Russian sanctions on these high prices.

Biden also called on states to suspend state fuel taxes, which are often higher than federal rates.

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