Europe and AmericaInternational

Bloomberg claimed the possibility of a Russian invasion of Ukraine in early winter

According to IRNA, the Bloomberg Economic Network website wrote last night (November 20), quoting informed sources, that the United States shared intelligence information, including a number of maps, with its European allies showing that Russian troops and artillery had gathered until Vladimir Putin. , The President of the Russian Republic, decided to invade, to launch a rapid and widespread attack on Ukraine from various places.

According to Bloomberg, the Americans estimate that Putin will lighten his attack on Ukraine early next year as Russian forces re-assemble near the border.

The US intelligence scenario shows that the Russian army will enter Ukraine from the Crimea, the Russian border and the Belarusian border with about 100 battalions – about 100,000 troops – to be stationed on rugged terrain and icy conditions and ready to occupy large areas for a long time.

About half of the combat units have already taken up positions and any attack will have air support, two informed sources said.

In an unprecedented move since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Moscow has also called in tens of thousands of reserve troops, according to the two sources. They explained that the role of the reserve forces in any conflict would be to maintain and secure the territory occupied by the combat battalions. However, Bloomberg wrote that Russia has not issued any widespread public call.

A well-informed source said the United States had also shared information with European allies about the sharp rise in anti-Kiev lies and Moscow’s recruitment of agents to destabilize Ukraine.

As tensions between Moscow and Kiev escalate, the head of Ukraine’s military intelligence service told a US website that Russia was preparing to attack the country in late January.

Russia has deployed more than 92,000 troops along Ukraine’s borders and is ready to attack the country in late January or early February (mid-winter), the Times military website reported yesterday, quoting General Kirill Budanov in an exclusive interview.

The senior Russian military official said the Russian military operation would include airstrikes, artillery and armor, as well as paratroopers landing in eastern Ukraine, an attack by amphibious forces on the coastal cities of Odessa and Mariupol, and a brief attack from inside Belarus.

Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently criticized the Western position on Ukraine, saying: “We turn our eyes to the obvious provocations that are being made daily by NATO and the European Union, including their efforts to maintain a hostile and belligerent spirit.” Ukrainian officials, we will not close.

He added: “Russia is not satisfied with the efforts of Western countries to prepare the Ukrainian army to carry out programs that it constantly threatens – for example, the use of force in the Donbas region.”


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