Both Kimiyai and Farhadi love the adopted father

Charso Press: The famous voting of the “Sight and Sound” film magazine, which has been conducted regularly every 10 years since 1952, in 2022 will place a film on the top of the list of the best in the history of cinema, which has been traditionally held from 1962 to 2002. “Citizen Kane” (Orson Welles) and in 2012 “Vertigo” (Alfred Hitchcock). In the first period of this survey in 1952, “Bicycle Thieves” (Vittorio Disca) was chosen as the best film in the history of cinema by the votes of the participants in this survey.
In the 8th survey of Sight and Sound magazine in 2022, the title of the best film in the history of cinema went to “Jean Dillman, No. 23 Que de Commerce, 1080 Brussels” by Chantal Akerman. Many positive and negative opinions about the selection of this film and the exclusion of films such as “Vertigo” or “Hamshahri Kane” were expressed in foreign media and publications. The Nowruz issue of “24” book magazine has also extensively expressed the satisfactions and dissatisfactions of the critics and theorists of Farangi regarding this choice.
In the recent survey, 18 people from Iran were present as filmmakers or critics, and now after the announcement of the votes of all those present in this survey, their votes can also be known. Names such as Mohammad Abdi, Abbas Baharlo, Hossein Eidizadeh, Hoshang Golmkani, Nima Hosninasab, Hassan Hosseini, Ehsan Khoshbakht, Behzad Rahimian, Elham Shakrifar among the critics and Asghar Farhadi, Mani Haghighi, Masoud Kimiaei, Shahram Makri, Amir Naderi, Arbi Ovansian, Panah Panahi, Babak Payami is one of the Iranian names that can be seen in this survey.
In the following, we have included the votes of a number of Iranian voters who are well-known to cinema lovers, and it is interesting to know their opinions and tastes as critics and filmmakers – and not as advisers for diversifying the showcase of festivals or as unwanted and forced commentators on Iranian cinema.
* Masoud Kimiaei, director
Ninouchka (Ernest Lubich, 2013)
Miracle in Milan (Desica, 1951)
The Monster in the Hole (Billy Wilder, 1951)
The Story of Nimroz (Fred Zineman, 1952)
The Billiard Player (Robert Rossen, 1961)
The Trial (Orsen Welles, 1962)
Look at Asb Kaher (Zineman, 1964)
The Godfather (Francis Faure Coppola, 1972)
The Ship Goes On (Federico Fellini, 1983)
Risen from the Grave (Alejandro González Iñárritu, 2015)
* Hoshang Golmakani, editor of “Today’s Film” magazine
The Apartment (Wilder, 1960)
The Story (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1960)
The Bridges of Madison County (Clint Eastwood, 1995)
21 grams (Iñárritu, 2003)
The 10 Commandments (Christophe Kieslowski, 1989)
Tears and Smiles (Robert Wise, 1965)
Bicycle Thieves (Desica, 1948)
The Road (Fellini, 1954)
This Rough Band (Sam Peckinpah, 1969)
Paradiso Cinema
* Abbas Bharlo, critic and historian
The story of Tokyo
Kane’s fellow countryman
2001: A Space Odyssey
step father
eight thirty
Bicycle thieves
rear window
Xandark’s sufferings
Seven Samurai
Ogetsu Monogatari
* Asghar Farhadi, director
Bicycle thieves
City lights
the apartment
step father
angry cow
The story of Tokyo
Wild strawberries
Once upon a time in the West
* Mani Haghighi, director
Mulholland Road (David Lynch, 2001)
Fools (Lars von Trier, 1998)
The Thin Red Line (Erroll Morris, 1988)
Music Wagon (Vincent Minnelli, 1953)
Ogetsu Monogatari (Genji Mizugoshi, 1953)
Persona (Ingmar Bergman, 1966)
Night (Antonioni, 1961)
The Misery of Jandark (Dreyer, 1927)
Shanghai Express (Joseph von Esterberg, 1932)
Woman Under the Influence (John Cassavetes, 1974)
* Nima Hosninaseb, critic
Only Angels Have Wings (Howard Hawkes, 1939)
Seven Chances (Buster Keaton, 1925)
M (Fritz Lang, 1931)
Heaven and Hell (Akira Kurosawa, 1963)
Journey to Italy (Roberto Rossellini, 1954)
From the Past (Jacques Turner, 1947)
Fun Bell (Jacques Tati, 1967)
Late Spring (Yasujiro Ezo, 1949)
The Twenties (Raoul Walsh, 1939)
Lola Montes (Max Opulus, 1955)
* Behzad Rahimian, critic and historian
Nosferatu (F. W. Murnau, 1922)
Only Son (Ozo, 1936)
Only angels have wings, (Hawkes, 2013)
O’Hara’s Life (Mizuguchi, 1952)
Johnny Guitar (Nicholas Ray, 1954)
Journey to Italy (Rossellini, 1954)
The French Ken (Jean Renoir, 1955)
The Searchers (John Ford, 1956)
The Color of Pomegranate (Sergei Parajanov, 1968)
Tristana (Luis Buñuel, 1970