Branding has not been done in the carpet sector of Gilan/ the need for updating and a new look in the carpet industry of the province

Saturday, 03 July 1402
According to Shata’s report and quoted from the public relations of Iran’s National Carpet Center, Taimur Pourheidari, the director general of Samat, Gilan province, said this Saturday morning at the first hand-woven carpet festival in Gilan: the capabilities of Gilan’s hand-woven carpets have been neglected, and more attention should be paid to this area. to be
Criticizing the passive view of the carpet field in Gilan, he added: Gilan is one of the production hubs of this sector in the country despite having 13,000 carpet weavers.
The Director General of Gilan Province, Sammet, emphasized that pathology in the field of carpets is of interest, and said: “Change is on the agenda in the field of carpets in Gilan, and we are taking steps to solve these problems by identifying the problems and challenges.”
He stated that Gilan has valuable capabilities in the field of carpet export, and noted that Iran and Gilan carpets have something to say in the world.
Pointing to the importance of branding in the field of carpets, Pourheidari added: Branding has not been done in Gilan’s carpet sector, and this issue has become a challenge.
Emphasizing the necessity of marketing and economicization in the field of carpets in the province, he said: Branding and economicization in the field of carpets and silks is a job creator.
Referring to the activities of 13,000 carpet weavers in Gilan, the director general of Samt added: Carpet production has increased from 12,000 square meters to 51,000 meters.
He further emphasized: 92% of the weavers in Gilan are women and only 8% are men working in the field of carpets.
Pourheidari stated that 9,500 weavers are covered by social security and said: Weavers have many problems in the field of social security.
Referring to the credit challenges in the promotion of the carpet industry, he said: Carpet has many enthusiasts, but due to credit problems, we are weak in this sector.
The director general of Gilan province, Samet, explained some of the problems and challenges of the carpet industry and added: the lack of a specific brand, lack of credit, and the lack of a special organization in the area of the carpet industry are part of the problems of this industry.
The need to update and look at the carpet industry of Gilan province
“Syed Mohammad Ishaghi”, the deputy of the coordination of economic affairs of the governor of Gilan, also emphasized the necessity of branding in the carpet industry of this province at the handmade carpet festival in Gilan and stated: This province has many capabilities and capabilities in different sectors.
Referring to the long and historical history of the silk and carpet sector, he added: Iran reached the production of silk and carpets 2,650 years ago, and this shows the importance and position of carpets in the country and the province.
The deputy coordinator of economic affairs of the governor of Gilan, stating that carpets have had many ups and downs in different eras, said: We owe the preservation of the culture and art of carpet weaving in the country and Gilan to women artists.
Criticizing the lack of a specific brand in Gilan carpets and raising the question, why should Gilan carpets be offered with the Qom and Isfahan brand?, stating that branding Gilan carpets is a serious demand, he added: the process of branding in Gilan carpets has not been done. and the art and beautiful work of Gilan should not be presented with the name of other provinces.
Referring to the valuable capacities in the area of carpet and silk industry, the deputy of economic affairs coordination of Gilan governor said: More than 9900 families of Gilan produce more than 600 tons of silkworm cocoons in the province.
Stating that there are good infrastructures in the silk field in Gilan, he said: With the formation of a task force to revive the carpet and silk industry in Gilan, the needs, dos and don’ts of this field should be categorized and classified.
Emphasizing that updating and a new look in the carpet industry is emphasized, Ishaghi said: taste is very important in the target market of carpets in neighboring countries.
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