
Car price today, June 25, 1401 / car price forecast in the coming days

According to Tejarat News, Car Prices Internal zero on the 4th of Khordad 1401 according to the statistics and daily price of the site Wall It was accompanied by changes.

The price of zero domestic car today, June 25, 1401 in the Iranian market is as follows:

Pride 111 reached 204 million Tomans.

Pride 131 is also offered at a price of 174 million Tomans.

Dena Plus automatic model 1401 had a price increase of two million tomans compared to the previous day. This car is currently available at a price of 505 million tomans in the country’s car market. But ordinary Dena 1401 reached 404 million Tomans.

Prices of popular cars

The price of Tiba Hatchback Plus car has now reached 213 million Tomans.

Peugeot 206 type two model 1401 also had a price increase of two million Tomans compared to the previous day and is currently being traded at a price of 306 million Tomans. 206 Type 5 also reached the rate of 350 million Tomans in the country market.

Peugeot Pars Automatic also reached 452 million Tomans.

Tara Automatic also had a price reduction of six million Tomans compared to the previous day and reached 590 million Tomans in the market today.

Car price forecast in the coming days

Saeed Motameni, president of the Tehran Auto Exhibitors Union, told Tejarat News: “Currently, the market is waiting for the outcome of the discussion on importing cars into the country.” For this reason, the market is in a severe recession and there is no buying and selling.

“The stagnation will continue until the details of the import plan are known,” he explained.

Read the latest car news on the Tejarat News car news page.

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