EconomicalBanking and insurance

Cars and motorbikes without third party insurance go to the gray list

Ali Ostadhashmi, the head of Central Insurance, said: Anyone who has a vehicle without third-party insurance will be placed on the gray list. First, he is given a deadline that if he does not prepare a third party insurance policy, whether it is for a car or a motorcycle, he will be placed on the gray list and given a deadline, and then his fuel card will be revoked.

He said: Currently, this plan is implemented for diesel cars and gradually other cars and motorcycles will be included in the gray list.

According to the head of Central Insurance, currently, out of 12.5 million numbered motorcycles, only 1.5 million motorcycles have purchased third party insurance policies and more than 90 percent of them (11 million motorcycles) travel without third party insurance. While most of them have fuel cards and use gasoline quota.

He said: Also, out of a total of 38 million vehicles, including cars and motorcycles, only 25 million vehicles have a valid third-party insurance policy, that is, 34% of the total number of cars and motorcycles in traffic are without a third-party insurance policy. The government wants to encourage motorcyclists to buy The third-party insurance policy has approved that engines that are numbered for the first time will receive a 20% third-party insurance discount.

I have to say; At present, with the arrival of the month of Rajab, which is the first forbidden month of the year, the full payment rate has reached 1.2 billion tomans, and if a motorcyclist has an accident without insurance, he will have to pay for the damages all his life. While insurance companies have considered various discounts and methods of purchasing insurance in installments, and recently, in an understanding signed between the Central Insurance of the Islamic Republic and the State Loan Bank, an insurance credit of 20 million Tomans is considered for customers, which people can Buy an installment insurance policy and pay its installments to the bank and thus insure yourself against unfortunate events.

The insurance penetration rate in our country is about 1.7%, while in most countries the insurance penetration rate is seven percent, and to strengthen this rate, in addition to third-party insurance policies, life insurance should flourish, as well as life and savings insurance, liability insurance and Engineering insurance should enjoy prosperity among the people so that the penetration rate of insurance is strengthened.

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