
Cars that Iranians miss!

According to the online economy report; Despite designing and producing several high-quality and attractive car models, Nissan has launched some of the most awful cars in history; Cars that may not have a chance to succeed in world markets, but in Iran, we wish to have them. In many parts of the world and countries like the United States of America, Nissan is known as one of the best and most reliable car manufacturers in the world. This car manufacturing giant has a lot to say in the car market for years, and every buyer can choose from dozens of car models of this company. It’s easy to trust the Nissan name, but if these five cars had never entered the brand’s production line, Nissan would be better known than it is today.

There are many ways to determine the quality of a car. Things like the amount of sales, the amount of visits to the repair shop, the sales statistics of spare parts, etc. can show the quality of a car and tell us the condition of a model. Before discussing the worst cars in the history of Nissan, it is better to pay attention to the fact that even the worst car manufacturers have introduced attractive and lovely models to the market, and on the other hand, professional car manufacturers sometimes send weak models to customers. The Nissan cars in this list may not have many fans in the world market, but if they enter the market of our country one day, they can have many customers.

1. Nissan Altima; Cursed samurai!

Nissan Altima car was not a very attractive option in terms of design, but in the eyes of many buyers, it looked like a sedan with a modern and rough appearance. In this article, we have nothing to do with the criticisms of the design of this model, but in many classifications, this model was recognized as the most unreliable Nissan model and could become one of the most notorious of this company in a few years.

The Nissan Altima has been one of the worst Nissan cars in recent years, both in terms of looks and technical performance.

The production versions of this sedan in the nineties did not have any special quality problems and the buyers were usually satisfied. However, the third, fourth and fifth generations of this car, which were produced from 2002 to 2018, contained a world of defects. The condition of the buyers of 2013 to 2018 models was much worse and the repair shops had become the second home of these lucky buyers. Some of these Altimas had incredible problems; For example, while driving, the lights, grille and even the hood would fall out of place and become a problem for the driver. Many buyers could not cope with Altima’s strange problems and after a short time, they thought of selling this model. This cursed Nissan was not flawless even in the nineties, and many drivers went to repair shops due to engine and electrical system problems. The sixth generation of this car, which was produced from 2019 to 2020, had solved many of the problems of the previous generations, but some drivers said that the windows and gearbox system of this model have problems.

2. Nissan Pathfinder; SUV

The Nissan Pathfinder is one of the company’s most popular products in markets such as the United States, which despite its popularity has been dubbed one of the company’s most notorious and unreliable models due to its numerous problems. Although it is almost impossible to find new models of this car in Iran, if you ever want to buy this model, it is better not to look for models between 2005 and 2012.

Cars that Iranians miss!

Nissan Pathfinder was a non-stick patch of this Japanese company! A car that was neither suitable for city use nor off-road because of its problems.

The third generation Pathfinder that was produced during these years was a whole series of different problems. One of the biggest problems of this model, which the Americans called “strawberry chic”, happened when the gasoline of this Nissan car mixed with the radiator water and caused big problems. Although most of the buyers of this SUV looked at their car as a spacious and family car, some buyers also bought this model with the hope of off-roading. The technical problems of this model made the Pathfinder not only a suitable city car, but also a nightmare for off-roaders. Many buyers returned their pathfinders to the company or sold them after a short time. However, if you are one of the Pathfinder lovers and you live in Iran, you can buy the first generation of this car, which was produced between 1987 and 1955. Although this generation of Pathfinder is now old, the problems of this generation are much less than the newer generations of this unreliable Nissan car. The first generation of PathFinder is sold at a price between 300 and 600 million Tomans.

3. Nissan Rogue; Another failed SUV from Nissan

Nissan Rogue, like the Path Finder, is another Nissan SUV that despite its high sales, has many problems and is known as one of the most unreliable cars of this Japanese brand. In 2017, this model was known as Nissan’s best-selling car, and it has already had great sales figures.

Cars that Iranians miss!

Despite its excellent sales experience, the Nissan Rogue failed to be a reliable car and had numerous problems.

The high sales of this model made its problems to be noticed earlier and buyers’ criticism of this car started a few months after the purchase. The wave of sales of this model started quickly and the sellers tried to sell their Nissan Rogue below the price to the buyers. Published information shows that the gearbox and power transmission system of this car also had problems. In addition to the gearbox, the ventilation system of this car had also become a problem for its users. The first generation of this car had a lot of problems in the power transmission and suspension, and with small flaws in other parts, it became one of the most unreliable Nissan cars. This generation, which was produced from 2008 to 2013, was known among users for its strange defects, and we suggest that you do not buy it even if the rogue is introduced. The second generation of the Rogue, which was produced between 2014 and 2020, although it did not have the known problems of the first generation, it was by no means a reliable car. However, the relatives of this model were not as troublesome as the Rogue and could be a good option. The hybrid version of this model did not have many technical problems and buyers were generally satisfied with it. Rogue Select and Rogue Sport, also known as Qashqai G11, performed well in terms of reliability and can be good options to buy if they enter the Iranian market. The rest of the Rogue series models are ranked between the first generation and the hybrid version in terms of reliability.

4. Nissan Versa; Rare sedan!

Although the car market of our country is full of different sedans due to economic conditions, in many parts of the world, people prefer to buy SUVs. Nissan had many options in the American SUV market, but decided to take over the market of small and urban sedans by introducing a good and almost affordable option. Nissan’s choice was the Versa model, which is now known as one of Nissan’s worst cars due to its problems.

Cars that Iranians miss!

Nissan Versa entered the US market to fill the void of a compact sedan, but left the country with a heavy failure.

If one day a used Nissan Versa enters the country, it is better to check it before buying it so that you don’t face the known problems of this model. The first two generations of this car had many defects and many buyers decided to return the car to the company. Of course, Versa’s problems were not very big and were limited to things like airbags, seat belts, etc. However, some of the cars sold had problems with the ignition system, power transmission, brakes and GPS. Although for some buyers, Versa Note seemed to be a better option, but this model was not free from the numerous problems of Versa and it confused its buyers. Reports indicate that there were problems related to the ignition system and airbags in this model as well. The assembly of the body of the Versa Note also had no definition. The sale of this model in the United States was stopped after some time and Nissan sold the Versa model in other countries.

5. Nissan Maxima; The old favorite of Iranians!

In the 1980s, Maxima was one of the most popular cars among Iranians, and at that time, it was considered one of the best cars in the market. Maxima has been produced for more than 40 years, and some generations of this model, such as the one imported to Iran, are at a good level in terms of quality and reliability. However, many generations of Maxima were not at a good level in terms of quality and caused dissatisfaction among buyers.

Cars that Iranians miss!

Although Maxima is one of the most popular foreign cars in the Iranian market, it is not known as a reliable car in many countries.

The fifth generation Maxima entered our country and still has many fans. However, the next generation of this attractive Japanese could not repeat the good performance of the previous generation and in terms of unreliability, it is one of the worst cars in the history of Nissan. The versions produced between 2004 and 2008 were the worst possible option for buyers. Not only did these models suffer from technical problems with the gearbox and steering box, but they also seemed more expensive in terms of price compared to their competitors. Even compared to other generations of the Maxima, the 6th generation seemed like a no-brainer in terms of affordability. As we said, the fifth generation Maxima is a more reliable option. The versions produced between 1989 and 1999 can be a good option in terms of specifications and price. Among the new versions of this popular Japanese car, the production models between 2016 and 2020 are reliable options and have passed various tests.

final word

Although these five Nissan cars are among the worst cars produced by this Japanese company, they still seem like better options compared to many cars in the market of our country. The defects of these models, compared to strange problems such as the removal of Saina thermal insulation and the safety problems of many cars that we drive every day, do not seem very serious, and Maxima, Altima, Pathfinder, Rogue and Versa, if they enter the Iranian market, They can be one of the best choices for buyers.

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