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Conclusion of a joint cooperation agreement between the Insurance Research Institute and the University Publishing Center

According to the financial news report, citing the public relations and international affairs of the Insurance Research Institute, in this meeting, in the presence of Mohammad Mahdi Asgari, the head of the Insurance Research Institute, Hassan Soodmand Afshar, the head of the University Publishing Center, Dr. Sadiq Rostamnia, the research assistant of the University Publishing Center, and the assistants and senior managers of the Research Institute. Bimah was held, the ceremony of concluding a joint cooperation agreement between the Bimah Research Institute and the University Publishing Center was signed by the heads of these two institutions.

According to this memorandum, two centers in the field of writing and compiling textbooks and teaching aids in required and related fields, holding specialized training courses, realizing the five priorities of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, guiding and supporting theses and theses at the master’s level and Ph.D., promoting and institutionalizing the correct policies of publishing and publishing scientific information sources, monitoring the authenticity and quality of scientific works, holding exhibitions and joint stores to present scientific, research and technological products and achievements, holding educational seminars and webinars on the comprehensive language of science, vocabulary and terminology Ethics in research, philosophy of language, etc., providing consulting services in various fields of publishing and publishing information sources, producing and supplying electronic content, establishing and launching a support system for the production and exchange of content and electronic education in the research institute, exchange of information and documents, The use of facilities and equipment for printing and selling scientific works will cooperate.

In the signing meeting of this memorandum, the head of the Insurance Research Institute expressed his satisfaction with the presence of the head and research assistant of the University Publishing Center in the Insurance Research Institute, the presence of the country’s top scientist and researcher in the position of the head of the University Publishing Center as a good omen and noted that the University Publishing Center with more Since its 40 years of activity, it is considered one of the fruits of the Islamic Revolution.

Referring to the new approach of the Ministry of Science to establish interdisciplinary research groups, the head of the Insurance Research Institute considered the presence of Dr. Zulfi Gol at the post of the Ministry of Science as one of the honors of the 13th government and pointed out that the Department of New Technologies of the Insurance Research Institute succeeded in obtaining a definitive approval in the last few months. It has become the Ministry of Science and due to the tremendous progress that is taking place in the field of insurance in the world, it is considered among the essential needs of the insurance industry and a valuable achievement.

Referring to the holding of the 30th National Conference and the 11th International Conference on Insurance and Development with the presence of more than 20 prominent experts in the fields of insurance, Islamic finance and takaful from five countries, Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, England and Pakistan, he stated that the Insurance Research Institute in Currently, it has a close relationship with countries active in the field of insurance, takaful and Islamic finance in the world, and will cooperate with the university publication center in holding a series of international meetings using all its capacities.

Further, the head of the academic publication center expressed his gratitude to the Insurance Research Institute for planning and holding this meeting, and announced the full readiness of the center to cooperate with the Insurance Research Institute and expressed hope that the conclusion of this memorandum will bring positive effects in improving the performance of the two institutes.

He listed the production of university textbooks and the production of famous works as one of the most important activities of this center and referring to the activities of six research groups of humanities, basic sciences, technical and engineering, agriculture and environment, medicine and health, and interdisciplinary group in the publishing center. Reiterated; These research groups, each of which consists of several technical committees, are actually the powerful arms of the university publishing center, where the top professors of the country’s universities are present in these groups, and they hold continuous and weekly meetings to review and judge the received works.

Referring to the emphasis of the Minister of Science, Research and Technology on the relationship with universities, research institutes and institutes, he announced that, in line with this recommendation, during the past year, the university publishing center has concluded more than 12 memorandums of understanding with the prestigious universities of the country, in order to increase the capacity of these centers. use it in a more effective way and we hope that the publication center can have an effective cooperation with the specialized collection of the Insurance Research Institute.

Dr. Hassan Soodmand, referring to the establishment of the “Publishing Research Institute” in the near future, announced that the capacities of this research institute will be used in bilateral interactions with the Insurance Research Institute. The Research and Education Department of the University Publishing Center, which is responsible for holding educational workshops, organizes several different workshops every year, including courses and educational workshops related to the field of publishing and editing, which can also be used by the Insurance Research Institute. The university publication center, being a member of the publication commission of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, as well as the English Language Association of the country, can cooperate with the Insurance Research Institute in the field of registration of new publications, internationalization of publications, and the design of standard English tests. The University Publishing Center is also ready to offer the books and scientific works of the Insurance Research Institute in its bookstore. Another task of the academic publishing center is to preserve and protect the Persian language, and this center has close cooperation with the Persian Language and Literature Academy, and if needed, a dictionary of specialized vocabulary in various fields of insurance can be prepared and edited.

In this meeting, Dr. Hassan Soodmand also ordered the establishment and launch of the insurance committee in the humanities research group of the University Publishing Center and the selection of its members in consultation with the Insurance Research Institute.

Referring to the memorandum of understanding between the University Publishing Center and the Research Deputy of the Ministry of Ataf, he stated that the production of content based on the curriculum approved by the Ministry of Science in various fields, especially basic sciences and technical and engineering sciences, has been assigned to the University Publishing Center and the Insurance Research Institute can also The field of insurance courses should use this opportunity, especially based on the approved topics of the bachelor’s course, which has a large audience and can be used as the basis for the master’s and doctoral exams.

After that, Dr. Sadegh Rostamnia, Research Vice President of the Academic Publishing Center, in the other part of this meeting, proposed assigning the insurance law section to the Journal of Higher Education Law of the Academic Publishing Center and membership of the academic staff of the Insurance Research Institute in the editorial board of this journal, pursuing issues related to the Islamic view of Insurance in the humanities research group of the University Publishing Center and the membership of the academic staff members of the Insurance Research Institute in this group, the membership of the academic staff members of the Insurance Research Institute in the statistics, mathematics and computer science department of this center to pursue issues related to this field, holding a series of meetings in the insurance field in Both national and international levels, with the presence of leading figures and with an Islamic perspective in the region, held a series of meetings to popularize insurance and raise public awareness about insurance and takaful.

It is worth mentioning that, in this meeting, the vice-presidents and senior managers of the Insurance Research Institute, while introducing the activities of the research groups and units under their supervision, explained the achievements and developments in the field of authoring, translating and publishing scientific works, education and research, and international communications of the Insurance Research Institute in Two areas of insurance and takaful, as well as the fields of cooperation and using the capacity of the research groups of the insurance research institute, were discussed.

In the final part of this meeting, Dr. Asgari expressed his gratitude to the senior managers of the University Publishing Center and announced the complete readiness of the Insurance Research Institute for joint cooperation with the University Publishing Center. He described the conclusion of the memorandum of understanding with the academic publishing center as a great opportunity for the Insurance Research Institute and emphasized the serious determination of the Insurance Research Institute to follow up and implement all the provisions of the memorandum. At the end of the meeting, the signing ceremony of the memorandum was held.

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