Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance
Covering 90% of the loan budget of Qarzul Hosneh for childbearing in Sina Bank

According to the financial news report, citing the public relations of Sina Bank, from the beginning of April to the 5th of January this year, in line with the implementation of the law to support the family and the youth of the population, the number of 5 thousand 626 loans for childbearing in the total amount of 3 thousand 609 It has paid billions of Rials to qualified applicants.
Meanwhile, the ratio of the amount paid for the childbearing loan to the assigned budget is 119% until the 5th of January, and the ratio of the amount paid to the total budget is equal to 90%, and this statistic proves that Bank Sina has fulfilled its obligations in paying loans for childbearing this year. has acted