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Creating the “Online Crooky” system and issuing third party insurance based on the driver

to report monetary financial news, The conference commemorating the National Insurance Industry Day in Hamadan province was hosted by Novin Insurance Company and was attended by the Chairman of the Central Insurance Company of Iran, the governor of Hamedan Province and the commander of the police force in the province, the secretary general of Iran Insurers Syndicate, the CEO of Novin Insurance Company, heads of branches and Senior managers of insurance companies and economic activists of this province were held.

Creation of the “Online Crooky” system and the implementation of third-party insurance provisions based on the driver

In a part of this conference, Ali Ostad Hashemi, the head of Central Insurance of J.A. Iran, while stating that the insurance industry has not yet found its proper place alongside the stock market and banks as an important part of the country’s finances, emphasized: therefore Today, despite all the obstacles and issues, our task in the field of insurance industry development is more and more important.

He also pointed to the job creation role of the insurance industry, in addition to its main role, and said: Although the insurance industry does not receive any amount from the government and the country’s budget, the presence of 300,000 active people in this industry, especially in the sales network sector, indicates high capacities. This industry is in the field of employment creation.

The head of Iran’s Central Insurance J.A. also announced the creation of the “online Crooky” system and said: “The insurance industry has done great things in cooperation with the police force, and “online Crooky” is one of these measures, and we are trying to On December 13 this year, this system will be unveiled in the presence of the president. The realization of this system will solve many problems of society, insurance industry and police force.
He also called the implementation of the necessary preparations for the issuance of third party insurance based on the “central driver” another important measure of the Central Insurance and explained: the issue of insurance policy based on the risk level of the driver and “central driver” is one of the common debates in the world. In Iran, preparations for its implementation have been made and it will be implemented soon.

Professor Hashemi also pointed to the taxes levied on third party insurance premiums in the past years and said: In the past years, about six government bodies used to collect taxes from the third party insurance premiums in order to improve road accident prone areas, however, in the last six years, none of these The institutions have not provided a report on the results of the actions and expenses.

Referring to the amendment of this law, he continued: “Fortunately, this year, in the budget bill, it has been stipulated that 4 efforts in the form of bonds will be taken into account by the Central Insurance and the Personal Injury Fund to resolve the accident-prone areas, and we hope that the results will lead to the resolution of the challenges in this area.” to be

The head of the central insurance of Iran J.A. also pointed out the need to revise the third party insurance policy and clarified: the current third party insurance needs two revisions in the price drop section and the issue of conventional cars that have caused problems for the people and the role of the Islamic Council. It is very important to fix this.

He also said: One of the upcoming joint plans in cooperation with the insurance syndicate is to be able to push the investment of insurance companies to the local and provincial side, and we believe that a part of the portfolio of the provinces should be kept and invested in the same province.

According to the head of Iran’s Central Insurance, J.A., eliminating paper and electronic copies of all kinds of insurance policies, including in the treatment sector, is one of the short-term plans of the insurance industry.

Fixing accident-prone areas in Hamadan province

In another part of this conference, the governor of Hamedan province pointed out that the mentality of the society regarding insurance should be changed and said: culture building and of course the actions of insurance companies should lead to an increase in the penetration rate of insurance.

He also added: Last year in Hamadan province, the government allocated 3500 billion tomans in the road sector, which was spent on widening the roads and improving high-risk areas, and this fortunately resulted in a 35% reduction in fatal accidents. This was done with the cooperation of the traffic police.

In the end, Hamedan Governor said: At the beginning of this year, 52 accident-prone spots were identified, of which 22 spots were targeted for this year, of which 13 have been fixed so far, and seven will be done by the end of the year.

The necessity of accompanying the government and decision makers in the development of insurance

Mohsen Pourkiani; The Secretary General of the Syndicate of Iranian Insurers also mentioned the importance of providing insurance products with appropriate insurance premiums and said: the increase in various taxes assigned to the insurance industry by the legislators and the government every year makes it more difficult for people to buy insurance, and this is with the aim of developing Insurance in the country, which is also the goal of the government, is contradictory, and solving this issue requires the cooperation of parliamentarians and decision makers in the government.

He added: In other countries, when an accident occurs, the government is only responsible for providing relief, but in Iran, since the insurance industry has not yet reached its desired growth, the government also helps in paying the damages and is responsible for a major part of the damages. is the government Therefore, the development of the insurance industry is a necessity that is also in the interest of the government.

The necessity of having protective laws and reforming tax laws

Also Hossein Karim Khan Zand; In this conference, the CEO of Bimah Naveen Company also pointed out that the insurance industry colleagues are trying every day to promote the culture of purchasing insurance among the citizens, and said: Insurance plays an important role in the macro economy, and in fact, insurance by buying a risk that It exists in various sectors of the industry and economic businesses, it helps the economic actors to carry out and develop their activities in peace of mind and without worries.

He also continued to add: On the other hand, import and export activities require insurance products and coverage, and currently, despite the imposition of cruel sanctions on various economic activities in our country, the insurance industry has been able to support this sector by issuing airplane, ship and Support other types of insurance policies in the field of domestic and international trade.

The CEO of Bimah Navin, while pointing to the wide range of insurance industry services in the country and the necessity of supporting all institutions for the development of this industry, said: Now twenty million people are covered in the medical field and seven million people are covered in the life insurance sector, and if the number of referrals of these people to medical centers to consider, about 1.5 billion times a year, insurance companies pay damages to people, which shows the importance and extent of insurance industry services in the country.

He also emphasized the necessity of protective laws for the growth of the insurance industry, especially with the amendment of tax laws, and said: for the development of the insurance industry, it is necessary to revise the laws in the industry and to improve the culture of insurance. The expansion of insurance culture, especially in the fields of life insurance, also requires the serious attention of officials and senior officials of the country.

The CEO of Naveen Insurance said about the advantages of life insurance: This insurance policy supports people in several ways, including its insurance coverage at the time of an accident, as well as investment at the time of retirement.

Karim Khan Zand also emphasized: Investment in the insurance industry belongs to the people and should be directed towards production and employment, which requires the support of all elements of governance and legislation.

In the end, the CEO of Bimah Navin also mentioned the existing capacities in Hamedan province for the development of insurance activities and other activities in the field of industry.

At the end of this conference, the top representatives and activists of the insurance industry in Hamedan province were honored by the senior officials of Hamedan province, the general manager of Central Insurance J.A. Iran and the CEO of Navin Insurance with a certificate of appreciation that Ali Hajizadeh Asl; The CEO of “Hamiyan Oramesh Zengide Novin” representative company was also honored as the representative of Novin Insurance Company.

I have to say; This year, for the first time, on the occasion of commemorating the National Insurance Day in each province of the country, conferences with the presence of governors and senior provincial officials, senior managers of Central Insurance of J.A. Iran, managers, representatives and insurance activists in that province are supposed to be held. Hosted by an insurance company.

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