Europe and AmericaInternational

Crises pushed Biden’s popularity to its lowest ebb

According to a new poll by the Associated Press and the Norc Institute’s Public Affairs Research Center, Biden’s popularity has dropped by 50 percent, with only 34 percent of Americans saying their country is moving in the right direction, IRNA reported Saturday.

In the first months of Biden’s White House visit, about half of Americans said their country was on the right track.

David Barker, director of the Center for Presidential and Congressional Studies at the University of the United States, said the US withdrawal from Afghanistan was a disgrace to the country, regardless of its political status. It is also a shame for the US government and can be expected to reduce its public popularity.

The results of the recent poll also come at a time when Congress is threatening to pull out of the Biden administration’s domestic agenda and bring the country closer to failing to meet its commitments to the national crisis.

Biden’s decline in popularity follows a series of crises during his presidency, from the controversial withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan to criticism of the refugee crisis on the southern US border and the resurgence of Covid-19. .

However, one of the most promising cases has been the management of the Biden administration, and while his overall popularity is still lower than in July, about 57% of Americans accept Biden’s performance in the Corona crisis.


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