Cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts are among the main priorities of Sistan and Baluchistan

According to Aria Heritage report, according to the public relations of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Sistan and Baluchistan, Reza Sharifi in the meeting with the Director General and representatives of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts, which took place on Tuesday, January 19, 1402, to evaluate tourism facilities for holding A multimedia festival hosted by Sistan and Baluchistan has traveled to the province, he said: Fortunately, the development in this province has intensified and this is also due to the special emphasis of the Supreme Leader and the determination of the government to realize and accelerate it.
Sistan and Baluchistan governor’s social political deputy added: holding the national cultural heritage festival hosted by this province is a good opportunity to introduce existing capacities to the people of Iran and neighboring countries, and this capability exists in the province, and we also fully welcome and support this festival. we do.
He continued: the issue of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts is one of our three main priorities in Sistan and Baluchistan and we provide full support to all projects in this area and we believe that the spiritual face, heritage, customs and traditions and art of the hands of the artisans of this province If it is introduced from the media and cultural point of view, we will get more feedback.
According to Sharifi, in order to achieve this goal, while mobilizing all the devices and facilities, it is necessary for the provincial secretariat of the festival to be formed quickly and its expert and specialized meetings to be held, and by dividing the tasks, we can host this national festival, in relation to the introduction of people and capacities. Let Sistan and Baluchistan take bigger steps.
The social political deputy of the governor of Sistan and Baluchistan emphasized: the current management team of the province is trying to remove some unfair and incorrect views from the face of this rich and talented province while addressing the concerns of the people of the province. Culture, tourism and handicrafts are the main actors and identity of this province, which play a prominent role.
He continued: Sistan and Baluchistan is associated with weaknesses in terms of infrastructure and accommodation facilities, and we will try to do it as quickly as possible and with the support of the governor and the government in this regard, and with the support of the governor and the government, basic measures will be taken in the shortest possible time. Management of one voice in the province will not be far from mind.
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