
Defective construction canceled the building’s technical certificate?

It has been more than 20 years since the technical and real estate certificate of the building was supposed to be issued and handed over to the user, a certificate that has not been implemented until today despite the many promises of the authorities.

What is the flow of the technical and real estate certificate of the building?

The technical and real estate certificate of the building, which is directly referred to in the building engineering system law, is a multi-page notebook that describes the technical and structural characteristics of the property in detail, so that the user knows what kind of house he is buying with what material. This is important in the process of renovating or repairing the house.

The technical and real estate certificate of the building is completed by the supervising engineer and the building completion permit must be issued based on it.

Holding billion technical and property identity card conferences

Until today, more than two conferences on technical and real estate certificates of buildings have been held under the supervision of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development with billions of expenses, so that perhaps the necessary infrastructure for this forgotten principle will be provided, but due to the existence of many problems and numerous law violations, it has never been completed. The basic and nationwide form has not been implemented, which is an indication of the laws of the past expiration date and the dealer’s extensive games in the housing construction market. Now the question is raised that if only a part of this money for holding the technical and real estate certificate conference was spent on revising the law of the engineering system or even solving the problems facing housing, it would surely have more blessings for the housing market.

Technical certificate does not make the house expensive

Some critics of the technical and real estate certificate of the building believe that the issuance of this certificate can mark a new season of high prices in the housing market, but it should be noted that this certificate is the indisputable right of the buyer or the user and its issuance does not have any additional cost, so Expensive with this excuse seems absurd. Of course, it should be noted in this context that if the technical certificate can become the basis for the high cost of housing, the builder can no longer use low-quality construction materials and deliver them to the buyer instead of quality construction materials, because in this case, he will be subject to a fine and eventually forced to will be forced into unemployment.

Increasing the useful life of the building in the shadow of the technical certificate

Unfortunately, in recent years, we have seen a significant decrease in the useful life of the building in the country, which can lead to the waste of national capital in the country, but it is predicted that the useful life of the building will definitely increase with the issuance of the technical and real estate certificate of the building. Investing in this area will be more profitable and motivating.

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