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Deficiency of this vitamin causes peeling of the palms

Peeling skin of the palm occurs more than anything else due to external factors. For example, you wash your hands too much with soap and water, the upper layer of the skin of the hand is destroyed and the skin is no longer able to retain moisture inside itself, and as a result, the skin of the hand becomes scaly due to excessive dryness. But sometimes a disorder in your body’s internal system may lead to flaking of the palm; A disorder such as vitamin deficiency. Do you know what vitamin deficiency causes peeling of the palms?

What we read in this article

Vitamin B3 deficiency and palm peeling

Deficiency of all B group vitamins can affect the scaling of your fingers. But among this group of vitamins, vitamin B3 plays a greater role in this case. Vitamin B3 in the form of niacinamide helps maintain skin moisture and prevents the skin from losing water. Also, this vitamin is effective in preventing skin wrinkles.

When you are deficient in vitamin B3, the skin is unable to retain moisture within itself. As a result, due to excessive dryness of the skin of the hand or even other parts of the body, it becomes scaly. Niacin (vitamin B3) is one of the 8 vitamins in the group of B vitamins, which is soluble in water and its deficiency leads to skin problems. By consuming chicken breast, brown rice, peanuts, nuts, beans, and potatoes, you can supply significant amounts of vitamin B3 to your body.

Since all B group vitamins play a role in preventing peeling of the palms, you can also use B complex tablets to compensate for the lack of these vitamins.

Deficiency of what vitamin causes peeling of the palm? Vitamin B7

Flaky palms can be a sign of biotin or vitamin B7 deficiency. Of course, be careful that biotin deficiency is not very common. Biotin is also one of the other B vitamins that is effective in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and its deficiency leads to skin and hair problems. Research shows that biotin plays an effective role in hydrating the skin. This vitamin plays a role in the formation of fatty acids and helps to rejuvenate and improve the appearance of the skin by nourishing the skin.

The peeling skin on your palms may be due to biotin deficiency. You can go to the pharmacy to buy biotin pills, but another way to get this vitamin is to consume sources rich in it. These sources include: cooked liver, eggs, fish, sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds, roasted almonds, etc.

The role of vitamin D deficiency in palm desquamation

Vitamin D deficiency undoubtedly leads to skin problems. One of the symptoms of the lack of this vitamin on the skin is that the skin looks dull, does not have enough shine, and may become flaky due to excessive dryness. On the other hand, eczema and psoriasis are two causes of dry skin, and vitamin D deficiency can affect both of them.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that the human body can make when exposed to sunlight. However, vitamin D deficiency is very common; Among women and children. Therefore, doctors recommend that if you have vitamin D deficiency, take vitamin D pills. Fatty fish are one of the best natural sources of vitamin D for the body; So be sure to include them in your diet.

Vitamin C and palm peeling skin

Healthy skin contains adequate levels of vitamin C; Especially in the epidermis or outer layer of the skin. Vitamin C not only plays a role in collagen formation and preventing wrinkles, but it also keeps the skin healthy by protecting it from oxidative damage caused by sunlight and exposure to pollutants such as cigarette smoke or ozone. Adequate consumption of vitamin C reduces the risk of dry skin and as a result flaking of the palms by 10%.

Although vitamin C can be effective in peeling fingers, but be careful that in most cases other factors are effective. Vitamin C is soluble in water and the human body cannot produce it. To supply this vitamin, you should use fruits such as strawberries, kiwi and citrus fruits. Bell pepper is also a rich source of vitamin C. If you feel that you have a severe vitamin C deficiency, it is better to buy vitamin C tablets.

Vitamin C deficiency and its effect on peeling of the palm

Excessive levels of vitamin A in the body and skin peeling hands

Headache and skin rash are the most important symptoms of vitamin A overdose. If you use too much vitamin A, over time, excess hair will increase and the skin will become dry and rough. Also, liver damage and congenital defects in the fetus are other effects of vitamin A overdose.

Having said that, we can conclude that if you see peeling of your palm, this issue may be related to excessive consumption of vitamin A; Especially if you have used vitamin A tablets in large amounts. Be careful that although vitamins are very effective in keeping the body healthy, you should never consume them more than recommended.

The role of omega-3 in preventing dryness and flaking of the skin

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in abundance in fish oil, form cell walls, and when the body is deficient in these fatty acids, the skin becomes very dry and may appear flaky. Skin rashes can also be the result of low levels of omega-3 in the body. Also, Omega 3 has anti-inflammatory properties and protects the skin from sun damage. If you don’t get enough fish in your diet, you probably have an omega-3 deficiency and should take omega-3 supplements.

The cause of palm peeling

In general, peeling of the palm has two reasons:

  • Environmental causes: such as excessive hand washing, living in dry climates, sunburn, finger sucking (especially in children), excessive handling of chemicals.
  • Skin problems: eczema, contact dermatitis, psoriasis, etc Kawasaki syndrome.

How to prevent palm peeling?

  • In order to prevent peeling of palms and fingers, we suggest the following solutions:
  • Washing hands with cool water instead of hot water
  • Wearing gloves when washing hands with detergents and working with chemical detergents
  • Wearing gloves in cold weather
  • Using hand cream to moisturize the fingers

Using hand cream to prevent peeling of the palms

When should we see a doctor for peeling palms?

In most cases, peeling of the palm is temporary and recovers on its own after some time. However, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist in the following cases:

  • Observe the signs of infection in the hand
  • Palm peeling lasts for more than 2 weeks and does not improve
  • If the usual treatments do not work.
  • If symptoms worsen over time.

In many cases, palm peeling occurs due to an allergy to a substance. In this case, a doctor should be consulted for further investigations.

We hope that you have benefited from this article from the online positive green pharmacy magazine.

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