Degradation of football narrators!/ The migration of television football viewers to virtual

Fars News Agency – Media Group: Without any doubt, soccer is a healthy event with the amount of fans and spectators, sports prosperity and excitement. The sport of football is so attractive and demanding that its reporting has also become a very special situation, and sometimes a reporter becomes more famous and popular than many of the same football players, because in all the ups and downs of 90 minutes, he is the link between all the excitement and enthusiasm. with the audience
* Football reporting is not an easy task at all
Reporters play a very important role for television audiences. They give life and soul to football and convey the atmosphere of the game to a football-loving viewer. Football reporting is not an easy task at all, and as much as the language must be well-spoken, it also requires a creative mind.
The work of sports reporting is an experimental work in the field of action. Many reporters have reached their current positions through trial and error, and there are also popular reporters who have achieved high levels of study and experience in this field.
* The late Bahmanesh’s five key points for reporting
“We were very excited to be able to report the game live. After seven years of working in radio, I used to report recorded matches after one o’clock in the evening for two or three years and they told me that I was weak, but now my friends report live games easily and very quickly. I am worried and afraid that football reporting, this popular discipline, will disappear.
Ataullah Bahmanesh, the father of sports reporting in Iran, calls five key points from his point of view to become a reporter: “observation and observation”, “mastery of several foreign languages”, “knowledge of events in the world of sports”, “not having pride” and “enough study”. .
The most important criticism of the late Bahmanesh to the reporters is as follows: “Our sports reporters, because they think they are geniuses and the best in the world, they are stuck and don’t move forward, while everyone who wants to move forward must have a broad opinion.”
*Mohammadreza Ahmadi: My skin was torn until I got here!
Mohammadreza Ahmadi, who became the country’s top reporter in football in 2019, strongly criticized the situation of inexperienced reporters and said: “I want to say that I really got ripped off in the seventeen years that I worked in radio and ten years that I worked in television.” My skin was really ripped off, and from here I have a message for the manager of the Sima sports network and other friends who work in the field of television sports, which I hope they will hear: leave you to God, the children will rise step by step”.
He added: “We were very annoyed that we were able to report the game live. After seven years of working in radio, I used to report recorded matches after one o’clock in the evening for two or three years and they told me that I was weak, but now my friends report live games easily and very quickly. I am worried and afraid that the glory of football reporting, this popular discipline, will disappear.”
* The reporter should not hurt the feelings of viewers and listeners
With these descriptions, the reporter must have a pleasant voice and sound in his specialized field, be respected and trusted by the audience, not harm the feelings of the viewer and listener, refrain from making personal comments in the media, and master the techniques and principles of the field under report. respect for the teams, players, technical staff and spectators, respect the level of fairness, refrain from discriminatory and exaggerated words, show special respect for the flag and the country in national competitions, make fair criticism at the right time of interpretation, while having up-to-date information and knowledge, be ethical, use reliable and competent sources and sources.
But unfortunately, today we see reports from reporters who seek to gain fame and status but are not qualified to do so.
It is safe to say that the type of reporting of some people is so disgusting and repulsive that the audience prefers to watch the game he is reporting without any reporter than to endure his report. Because some reporters, without paying attention to the principle of reality and paying no attention to the feelings and mood of the audience and paying no attention to maintaining the respect and feelings of the fans of the two teams, based only on what they assume and ultimately rawness and inexperience, rely on their completely personal feelings. It puts generally incorrect data on the report and the output is the disappointment of the audience.
* Boring chatter and countless whistles
Boring speeches and countless whistles and false or incorrect statistics and information and idle and meaningless sentences have led a significant number of football reporters to the direction where the viewer prefers to turn off the TV sound or watch football matches from other platforms and cyberspace. to watch
Many times it has happened to many of us that the severity of the reporter’s weakness has been such that our negative feelings have manifested to such an extent that the victory or loss of the favorable or opposing team has not affected us as much as the reporter’s bad report has affected us, and its effect even after The end game still stands. Therefore, the importance of reporting, especially in today’s sports, becomes extremely necessary.
It should be acknowledged that the motivation for writing this report with the approach of fair criticism of unfair and dishonest reporters is focused here on the match between Sepahan and Melwan teams on yesterday, May 4, 1402, which was broadcast and reported live on the third channel of Sima.
Today, we see reports from reporters who seek to gain fame and status, but are not qualified to do so
Unfortunately, the reporter’s way of covering and narrating this meeting, according to the majority who were asked about it, was disgusting, ugly, unprofessional and disgusting. From the tone of speech to the frequent and misplaced judgments and references, and completely blunt and rude and fan-like biases, reporting on the one hand, and the respect of the audience on the other hand, were the target of negative influences and impressions.
Therefore, it is assumed for the officials and those involved to pay attention to this matter that deals with the collective spirit and to think about the evolution of reporting and the promotion of this important and soul-enhancing task.
*The last word
Adopting an unbiased approach in accordance with the general principles of impartial reporting of a sports event at the level of domestic sports leagues is the least that can be expected from a reporter of football matches on live television. An important point that in some cases we see its violation by the reporters of the provinces that host domestic leagues.
On the other hand, the non-observance of the considerations of the country’s sports field and some reporters falling into the abyss of political factions and ill-considered positions is another case that we have witnessed from some sports reporters in recent years. A point that can create many margins for a sports program and marginalize the principle of dealing with sports.
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