Details of information disclosure of 5 stock symbols

According to Tejarat News, yesterday, several announcements regarding the disclosure of important information of companies were published in the Cadal system, which we will explain in detail in the announcements of 5 publishers.
قیستو: Biston Sugar Company clarified the fluctuation of stock prices. Accordingly, the company announced that from the date of the previous reporting (financial statements and interpretative report of the management of the financial period 12/6/9/12 to 31/06/1400) until the current period, there has been no significant change in the financial situation or performance of the company . Therefore, it seems that the fluctuation of the company’s stock price during the recent trading days has been based on market supply and demand.
Wamin: Amin Tavanafrinaz Investment announced the certification of assets as follows to guarantee the obligations at the end of the expiration date of the subordinated bonds. Collateralized assets for the issuance of subordinated bonds to the depository:
Maroon Petrochemical shares with 118,000,000 shares with a total price of 391,878 and a daily value of 21,585,268 million rials
Shares of Iran Transfo Company in the amount of 750,000,000 shares with a total price of 226,500 and a daily value of 1,672,500 million Rials
Shares of Tokafolad Investment Company in the amount of 60,787,683 shares with a total price of 308,741 and a daily value of 534,323 million Rials
Ghadir Investment Shares in the amount of 105,865,068 shares with a total price of 1,621,853 and a daily value of 1,697,017 million Rials
فاما: Ama Industrial Company provided explanations about the information and financial statements for 6 months published in Kadal. Accordingly, the company announced that operating income and cost of operating income in the first 6 months of the year compared to the same period last year increased by 77 and 109%, respectively, which is mainly due to increased sales of products and raw materials and wages and It has been a production overhead. Also, general expenses and sales have increased by about 36% due to the increase in salaries and benefits and other expenses. Therefore, these changes have led to an increase in operating profit by about 40% more than set.
Melting: Isfahan Steel Company announced that considering the general and specific conditions of admission to the Tehran Stock Exchange and the company’s request to transfer the symbol from the OTC board to the stock exchange and the approval of the Tehran Stock Exchange admission board, the trading symbol of this company after listing It will be transferred from the OTC market to the stock exchange by the Tehran Stock Exchange.
IndicativeAlborz Daru Company considered the reason for the increase in operating profit in the financial statements of the first 6 months of 1400 compared to the same period of the previous year to be the change in the optimal combination of production and sales compared to the same period of the previous year. He also stated that one of the goals of the company is to continue the growing trend and increase profits.
زقیام: Isfahan Ghiam Agriculture and Livestock Company announced that no results were obtained in the auction for the sale of industrial dairy farms due to the lack of applicants in the auction.
Toril: Toka Rail Company announced the holding of an auction for the sale of two office apartments located in Tehran, Vanak Square, Mulla Sadra Street.
Source: the world of economy
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