InternationalInternational Economics

Details of the government’s roadmap for boosting production and reducing inflation

According to the economic correspondent of Fars News Agency, Seyed Ehsan خندوزی Stating that in the meeting of the economic headquarters of the government, the general roadmap of the Ministry of Economy in the field of growth and increase of production on the one hand and curbing inflation on the other hand were reviewed and approved, he stated:Most The per capita income situation of the Iranian people came to power through two categories of measures to help increase production and facilitate the business environment.

He added: “First, reducing production friction by registering one-third of business licenses as well as chain financing for Manufacturers And the increase in the corporate tax coincides with the reduction of the producer tax rate.

The Minister of Economy stated that the second category of policies is considered serious attention and support Project‌ه‌های The drivers “Financing these projects, firstly, the participation of foreign partners based on friendly and neighboring countries, secondly, financing through the issuance of project shares and the fund of projects that will be launched in the country, and the third way of directing credit and The use of holdings is a subsidiary of banks and large state-owned companies and the general sector of the economy.

خندوزی He said: “In the field of controlling inflation, which is centered on the Central Bank and the Program and Budget Organization, two categories of monetary and budgetary policies will be used. In the field of monetary policy, controlling banks’ balance sheets on a monthly basis And another set of central bank policies is on the agenda.

The Minister of Economy stated: “Increasing sustainable revenues (increasing revenues and tax bases), controlling government expenditures, selling surplus property of government agencies and generating government assets this year and next year are among the government’s budget policy plans.”

According to him, the tools for controlling the country’s currency imbalances are also one of the programs designed in this plan.

The Minister of Economy emphasized: The definite policy is to focus on increasing economic growth and curbing inflation in the coming months and years.

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