Details of the sale of housing meters in the stock market / Will we become landlords by buying stock bonds? – Tejarat News

According to Tejarat News, along with the decrease in the value of the national currency, the flow of people’s capital towards the financial and capital markets has intensified. In the meantime, due to the high price of housing and with the aim of people’s participation in this market, the government has put forward a plan to buy housing meters in the stock market.
The CEO of Tehran City Renewal Organization has recently announced that the sale of housing meters will be done on the stock exchange platform and its infrastructure was completed last year. According to him, the projects that are offered in the stock market are projects that all have permits and documents, and the foundation has been poured.
Also, he has explained that when the project is finished and the person buys some of the house, he will reach a stage where he can buy a unit; Otherwise, there is a market operator who buys the percentage of the house bought in the stock market from the owner at the daily price and the person can invest the money in new projects, by doing this he can finally become a house owner in a project.
How to buy a meter housing in the stock market
The real estate market is not a market for which a general price can be considered, so the price of housing depends on the location, quality and type of construction. To solve this issue, stock bonds are issued on a specific project, and the bonds of each project will be different from another project.
In the same building, the prices of the units are different. To solve this issue in each project, one unit is considered as the basis and the pricing of other units is based on it. Although the release time of the project specifications is known to the buyer, it is not known which unit he will receive at the due date.
Regarding the maturity date of the bonds, if a person has the number of bonds required to receive a unit, the requested unit will be delivered to him, but if the unit has several applicants, a lottery will be held between two of them and the unit will be delivered to the winning person. !
How to sell housing by the meter in the stock market
There are three modes in the buying and selling of housing meters in the stock exchange according to the terms of buying land meters; Some may be able to receive a unit of their choice, others may not and may not want another unit. A number of other applicants did not intend to take delivery of a unit from the beginning and their goal was investment.
In one case, the seller can give the buyer the right to sell. For example, the buyer bought housing bonds for five million tomans per square meter and the seller has announced that if he cannot deliver the property within five years, the buyer has the option to sell it in five years at a price of 10 million tomans. Now, if the buyer does not deliver the desired unit at the due date, he can receive 10 million tomans for the investment of five million tomans in the previous five years.
If the seller of bonds does not allow the buyer to sell or make a cash settlement, in this case, the investor is allowed to sell his bonds to those who want to receive the remaining units.
In this situation, the units are auctioned in the commodity exchange; Based on how many units have been sold, the price will be paid to the owners of the housing documents.
Can you become a landlord by buying a meter of housing?
The slogans and claims of the government in this plan are based on people becoming homeowners through the gradual and metered purchase of housing. But experts believe that this plan can be looked at from an investment point of view; Investment for those who cannot afford to buy a residential unit independently.
Also, due to the rising inflation in the housing market, the preparation of complete documents for an apartment seems to be beyond the ability of a large segment of the society, and in the future, the purchase of property will be in a more critical situation.
Read the latest housing news on Tejaratnews housing news page.