Determining a new task for unregistered checks in Sayad system

According to the report of the financial news, citing the public relations of the central bank, this bank issued a circular and obliged the branches of the banking network to issue a “declaration of non-registration of check slips in the Sayad system”.
It is stated in Central Bank’s Circular No. 117533 dated 5.11.1401; This announcement is without the “tracking code” and in a format and form that is different from the conventional certificates of non-payment of checks, and it only confirms and implies the impossibility of taking action on the check due to the fact that the check is not registered in the Syad system.
It should be noted that the settlement of new checks, which have been available to bank customers since the beginning of 1400, is possible based on an inquiry from the Sayad system and if the check amount, date and beneficiary information is registered and matched with the check sheet, and if the ownership of the check is not registered in the Sayad system This check does not include the provisions of the law on issuing checks and banks are obliged to refuse to pay them.
In this context and with the aim of preventing future problems, dear compatriots should pay attention to avoid handing over unregistered checks in the Sayad system and be sure to register the check information in the Sayad system at the same time as making the transaction and handing over the check. Ensure different methods of inquiry and check receipt confirmation in this system.
Bank customers can inquire and confirm receipt of checks through internet banking and mobile banking of banks, payment mobile applications, SMS system 4040701701, ATMs and bank kiosks and branches of operating banks.