Determining the rent ceiling was not confirmed – Tejaratnews

Tahan Nazif, the spokesman of the Guardian Council, said in a press conference: The Guardian Council found the determination of the rent ceiling by the Supreme Housing Council to be against Article 85 of the Constitution.
The plan to organize the housing market was not approved
The spokesman of the Guardian Council said: The plan to organize the housing market faced problems and ambiguities of the Guardian Council. Of course, the faults of the Guardian Council are minor and not insoluble and help to improve the plan.
Reaction to the annulment of the decision of the head of the administrative and employment organization by the Administrative Court of Justice
The spokesman of the Guardian Council said: The level of this discussion is a difference of opinion in the normal law, and in my opinion, its own legal mechanism should be followed, one of which can be an inquiry from the parliament.
Regarding the interpretation of the constitution, nothing has been officially asked of us.
We in the Guardian Council are not aware that anyone has been contacted regarding approval or disqualification.
Election boycotters have claimed maximum participation
Tahan Nazif continued: Amending the election law can help improve the executive and supervisory work of elections.
It is interesting for us that the boycotters of the elections have claimed maximum participation.
What has the effect of reducing participation is to discourage some people from going to the ballot box. I ask all political figures to work towards increasing participation and creating hope.
Will the reformers not be confirmed in the next elections?
Tahan Nazif, the spokesman of the Guardian Council, in response to a question about some people claiming that reformists are not qualified in the elections: The Guardian Council does not have a party, factional or group view of the people who register in the elections.
Source: Jamaran