Did the competition council cancel the decision to change the price of assembled cars?

According to the online economy report, citing Mehr, news was published today that the cars of private sector car manufacturers (assembly units) will be sold for one year at the price of Bahman 1401.
This is while on Tuesday, May 17th, the Competition Council, based on the information received from the consumer and producer support organization, approved and announced the new price of assembled cars.
According to the approval of the competition council, the price of assembled cars was between 100 and 800 million tomans lower than the price of February 1401.
In this connection, Ismail Shojaei, the spokesperson of the Competition Council, stated: The decision of the Competition Council regarding the price of assembled cars has not been canceled. Of course, we will publish a car announcement about this soon.
Shojaei was satisfied with this sentence and did not provide more details.