
Did the price of Pride fall? – Trade News

According to reports Trade News Quoted from خبرآنلاینA review of prices in the car market indicates a decrease in the price of Pride cars in the past 24 hours, so that Pride 151 model 1399 from 154 million Tomans yesterday has reached 153 million Tomans and the 1400 model of this car is 2 million Tomans during this period. It has become cheaper and this car is currently priced at 159 million Tomans.

The price trend among Samand cars, however, has been increasing in the last 24 hours, so that the simple Samand LX, model 1399, has reached 243 million Tomans from 242 million Tomans yesterday, and the 1400 model of this car is 2 million Tomans more expensive during this period. This car is currently priced at 260 million Tomans and Samand EF7 model 1399 has reached 261 million Tomans from 260 million Tomans yesterday.

Daily car prices are listed in the table below:

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