Digital transformation is about the whole organization

In the meeting of the Coordination Council of Iran Insurance Insurance Affairs, it was stated:
According to Monetary Financial News, quoting the public relations of Iran Insurance, Seyed Majid Bakhtiari, CEO and Vice Chairman of the Board, during a speech at the meeting, which was broadcast via video conference for Iran Insurance partners in provinces across the country, referring to “These meetings have had a good effect on the whole company and have been very useful,” he said, praying for the delivery of the year and the need to make a difference in life. As we start the most important event of the year with the prayer of transformation to improve our present, now in Iran Insurance, which has been operating since 1314, the question arises whether we can insure Iran in the years 1400 onwards. Manage the 1300s? Today, the digital transformation of jobs depends on the challenges and demands of each organization, and it should be noted that there is usually a big difference between digital transformation in different companies. But it is issues such as technology, demand and behavior that determine the degree to which companies’ businesses are digital. The term “digital transformation” is very broad, but it is important to put it into practice.
He further ruled out the issue of command in the company and called for the participation and cohesion of all elements of the organization in the new era of running the company and added: “We live in an age where the needs and lifestyle of the people are changing every moment.” Purchasing, ordering, and most importantly, lifestyle models have changed for generations, so we need to see what goes on around us. Given the needs and differences of generations, we can no longer run the company with the traditional methods of the past. Accordingly, if we do not make the necessary and sufficient changes in the face of these issues, we will suffer.
Referring to the benefits and effects of digital technologies on the quantity and quality of sales of products and services, Bakhtiari said: “Customers are our most important stakeholders.” Digital transformation helps insurers to create more opportunities for customers and provide better services to them. Digital technology also enables wider markets to enter the insurance business by simplifying the customer experience, optimizing the workflow, improving the customer experience, and reducing operating costs.
The CEO and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Iran Insurance described the great problem of change as its exponential growth against the linear and mental growth of human beings and emphasized: The human mind always has low and unrealistic estimates in the face of change and change. In the last two years, we have all witnessed the corona epidemic and its devastating consequences for businesses. Many businesses were unable to operate under these conditions and were forced to operate through their own social networks or websites. However, businesses needed to sell their products and services in a way other than the physical store, and cyberspace and digital sales channels created the right environment for a variety of activities to grow. In fact, businesses are using digital transformation to change their vision and have been able to achieve great success. Of course, this has nothing to do with the Corona epidemic, and before that, the world’s major brands have used digital change.
Bakhtiari discussed the strategy and method of adapting to digital changes and adapting the mentality and thinking to the changes, as well as avoiding and overcoming conservatism to enter the paradigm shift, and stated: Paradigm means we look at the world through a window called paradigm. Which has a profound effect on our analysis and decisions. The paradigm is what we are stuck in. So we need to move from dissent, re-analyzing destructive disruptive and groundbreaking challenges, to getting to the important issues of our organization and seeing what the customer needs. He wants a variety of choices and fast delivery, and responding to these needs requires dissent, changes in the organizational environment, new equipment and technology, and most importantly, a change in our attitudes, minds, and perspectives.
The CEO of Iran Insurance likened the process of digital transformation to an iceberg and added: “At the top of the iceberg, which is visible, we have customer needs and compatibility, and everything revolves around customer interaction and new shopping adventures, but at the bottom and Hidden in this iceberg we have issues such as culture, integrity, permeability and education. Education is very important. In today’s world they teach how to learn. One of the issues we need to address in education is digital transformation. Digital transformation is about the whole organization, not just the IT department.
At the end of the meeting, Bakhtiari thanked all the employees and managers of the company and emphasized: In this new and complete character, considering the impact of technology on businesses, it is necessary for me to remind the issue of the importance of digital transformation. This issue becomes especially important in the new world with the advent of the Internet, social networks and the presence of billions of users on the Internet. However, data analysis will provide easy access to our customers’ needs and decisions. However, understanding business goals is crucial to implementing digital transformation. All of us in Iran Insurance should be able to simplify activities, processes, tools and technologies based on these goals to create a successful example of digital transformation.
At the beginning of the meeting, Majid Rahmati, Secretary of the Coordination Council for Insurance Affairs, said in a speech: The Coordination Council for Insurance Affairs of the company started working on the initiative of the CEO and once every two weeks to streamline the insurance and executive affairs of the company with The executive and provincial managers, the technical deputy of the company as well as some of the staff managers who are members of the council, hold its meetings. In each session, two managers present their content based on the topics presented. In these meetings, by examining the challenges, we will reach the desired solutions to provide optimal services to insurers.
It is worth mentioning that this meeting was held in the form of a video conference at the same time as Tehran in provinces across the country and with the presence of the Deputy CEOs, provincial staff managers and heads of branches. On the sidelines of this meeting, Safarzadeh, the technical deputy of Iran Insurance, fully explained the regulations on the limits of authority. Also, Mullah Hossein Agha, a member of Iran Insurance Investment Council, and Dr. Nezami Vand, the company’s consultant in productivity management integration, were other speakers at the event.