
Discrimination by banks in paying facilities/housing remains! – Tejarat News

According to Tejarat News, Mohammad Sabzi, a member of the Parliament’s Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources and Environment Commission, has stated regarding the granting of housing facilities by banks: “Banks should start providing housing loans, but unfortunately, they are under the burden of granting housing loans and enforcing the law.” The leap in production is not based on knowledge. Banks have become a superpower that no organization can face, and unfortunately, so far, the Minister of Economy has not been able to get the banks to work on housing.”

This member of the 11th Parliament said: “Banks’ excuses about lack of credit for not granting housing loans are not acceptable at all. “Banks have spent a lot of resources to give loans to their employees, but they do not take any measures to grant facilities in the field of housing, while it is only their mandatory facilities.”

He also explained: “Banks give their large facilities to people who are not at all clear where they are connected. Banks make excuses that they don’t have credit and are dissatisfied, so why do they give billions in loans to influential people.”

This member of the 11th Parliament said in an interview with Mehr: “Why do they grant loans of 50 to 60 thousand billion, but they do not cooperate for micro loans and housing construction loans, which are their duty and the needs of the people. “Why is it not possible to only grant mortgages to ordinary people?”

A member of the Parliament’s Agriculture Commission emphasized that the people’s government should improve the conditions of the banks for the benefit of the people and said: “If there is no credit in the banks to pay the facilities, it should not be for everyone, if there is, why did they pay loans to a few percent of the people in the society?” They do, but they don’t pay loans for the poor who need housing.”

Bank employee loan is twice as much as housing construction

These problems related to the granting of loans related to the housing sector have been criticized by the people. The performance report of the banks regarding the amount granted to the persons related to them during the quarterly periods of 1401 shows that the total facilities of the banks to the persons related to them in the quarter ending June , Shahrivar, Azar and March last year were equal to 255 thousand 400 billion Tomans, 202 thousand billion Tomans, 212 thousand 100 billion Tomans and 95 thousand billion Tomans respectively.

These statistics show that the banking system has lent more than twice the payment facilities to the national housing movement to people related to it!

At present, one of the challenges facing the national housing movement and the construction of national housing is credit provision and difficulty in finding loans, and the statistics of banks’ payments to the housing sector are proof of this. Out of 27 banks and credit institutions of the country, only 19 banks have paid less than five percent of the share determined by the central bank. Among these 19 banks, the performance of 9 banks has been zero, while the necessary funds have been paid in other departments and loan payments to the banks’ own employees.

Mohammad Mortazavi, the head of the country’s National Association of Mass Builders, previously told the market in this regard: “About the non-cooperation of the banks, it should be said that the financial model defined for the national housing project and the introduction of national housing applicants can increase the issue of the failure of the national housing. to give These two cases are discussed while they were also considered in the housing production jump law. So we see that these two sectors are vulnerable, because the banks have not cooperated well in this matter over the past few years.”

Mortazavi had stated in this regard: “In confirming this action, some banks declare that they have loaded their facilities in other sectors or commercial and service projects and cannot accept repayment of 20-year installments.”

The head of the National Association of Mass Builders stated: “Regarding the payment of banks’ facilities to the housing sector, it is clear that the banks have spent and allocated only 6% of their resources in the housing sector. This statistic is far from the requirement of banks to pay up to 20% to the housing sector. This statistic shows that only a quarter of the goals have been achieved.”

Read the latest housing news on Tejaratnews housing page.

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