Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

Easy purchase of installments for pensioners through “Beta System” of Refah Kargaran Bank

According to the financial news report, citing the public relations of Refah Bank, there are currently two credit schemes including “Elmas Refah” in order to purchase in installments a diverse and wide range of goods (household appliances, electronic goods, clothes, bags and shoes, etc.). and medical services (dentistry, clinics, etc.) and the project “Refah diamond wallet” to purchase installments of supermarket goods (food, beverages, detergents, etc.) from large chain stores across the country, has been activated in the beta system.

According to this report, Social Security Organization pensioners will be able to use the beta system without the need to attend branches. Refah Bank workers and only by referring to the internet address of this system To benefit from the credit considered for them in order to buy in person or online from the wide network of stores and centers of the contracting party and after making the purchase, they can see the status of the number and amounts of their installments in the system.

To get more information, pensioners can go to Refah Kargaran Bank branches across the country or call the customer contact center of this bank (Farad) at 021-8525.

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