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Economic Corruption Under the Magnifying Glass of Radio / Presenting Solutions in “Approach” – Mehr News Agency | Iran and world’s news

Ali Marvi, Director of Radio Eqtesad Business Group Requirement The investigation of the issue of corruption in this radio network told the Mehr reporter: December 9th, coinciding with the 18th of Azar, has been named the International Anti-Corruption Day by the United Nations and the countries of the world have been asked to work on fighting corruption. As a leading country in the fight against corruption, we are considering this issue in radio economics programs.

He added: “Several programs on Radio Eqtesad deal with such issues that we have somehow focused on economic corruption, and among them we can mention the” approach “in which strategies to combat economic corruption in the administrative system are examined.” .

He referred to the establishment of the UN Convention against Corruption in December 2005 Added: This convention Members Requires the prevention and criminalization of corruption, the promotion of international cooperation, the return of stolen assets, the promotion of technical assistance and the exchange of information between both the private and public sectors.

Marvi continued: The specific discussion of this program is about the dimensions of corruption and ways to deal with it. According to the World Bank and Transparency International, corruption is the abuse of government authority for personal gain, which is a universally agreed-upon definition and implicitly assumes that there is a set of administrative rules and regulations within the scope of authorized administrative activities. Determine. Any administrative conduct that is contrary to these laws and in which there is personal gain is considered corruption.

He considered the establishment of an anti-corruption system as one of the ways to deal with it and said: “In the” Approach “program, with the presence of Zabihullah Khodaeian, the head of the General Inspection Organization, we will further examine the organization’s follow-up measures.”

“Rahyafat” program produced by Hamid Reza مجوری On November 8, at 8 pm, it will be broadcast on Eghtesad Radio.


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