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Effective solutions to increase efficiency in bodybuilding exercises

Every person who goes to the gym hopes to get the best results from their workouts. But unfortunately, many people do not reach their desired goal for some reasons and give up going to the gym forever. Here are some super effective strategies to increase efficiency in your bodybuilding workouts. These solutions are based on the latest research; Stay with us.

Increasing efficiency in bodybuilding exercises

In order to get the best results from your bodybuilding exercises, pay attention to the following points:

Correct weight lifting

You won’t reach your fitness goals if you only do cardio. In this case, metabolism decreases and weight loss becomes more difficult. But if resistance exercises are also done, muscle building improves and the rate of metabolism increases. Based on studies, it can be said that people who do weight lifting for 20 minutes a day will have less fat in the abdomen than others.

But the most important thing in lifting weights is doing it correctly, which is more important. Do the weight lifting exactly as your trainer explains. Repeating the movements of each set should not be left half done. When lowering the weight, you must have complete control over how to perform this movement. Avoid throwing weight and initial acceleration to it. Be careful that lowering the weight should take at least twice as much time as raising it. Paying attention to points like this can lead to better results in training.

Dynamic warm-up movements

Instead of stretching exercises, you can use dynamic warm-up exercises. Performing this type of movement increases blood flow and improves your range of motion without compromising the elasticity of muscles and tendons. So, for example, if you want to go on a treadmill, do lunges, knee raises and leg rotations for about 5 to 10 minutes.

Focus on the duration of exercises

In order to increase efficiency in bodybuilding exercises, you must focus carefully on the duration of your exercises. For example, you should take 1 second to lift a weight and 2 to 3 seconds to lower it. Be careful not to throw weights. Also, pay attention to the time required for other exercises. The coach can give you basic guidance in this field.

Focus on target muscles

Each exercise works on a set of muscles to help strengthen them. You need to know exactly which muscles should be involved in each exercise. Before performing the exercise, visualize it in your mind and try to put pressure only on the target muscles. The muscles that are being worked on should be fully contracted and engaged and you should feel it well.

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Training with strong and experienced athletes

Group training is much better than individual training. Try to be with people who are stronger than you and at the same time leave a positive impact in improving your movements with their behavior, rather than weakening your spirit by saying something wrong. Training with a strong athlete makes you compare yourself with him and try to do your movements just like him.

Increase the number of weights

You should never use heavy weights at the beginning of bodybuilding. Weights should be gradually increased under the supervision of a sports coach. In order to increase efficiency in bodybuilding exercises, the number of weights as well as their weight should be increased little by little. It means that after a month, your exercises with weights should not be the same as before.

Using a training belt

Using a training belt supports the back muscles and prevents possible injuries to the spine. Movements such as deadlifts, squats and muscle press exercises will be performed better using a training belt. You will also be able to lift heavier weights using this device.

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In any movement that involves lifting, the hips should be contracted. In this case, it will help to keep the body stable and sports movements such as weight lifting will be done better.

Carbohydrate consumption before exercise

Consuming carbohydrates before training can help increase efficiency in bodybuilding exercises. Carbohydrates are the primary fuel of the body and provide high calories to the body. Do not forget to consume carbohydrates, especially if you are going to do heavy training. Carbohydrates can play a role in muscle growth and preventing their breakdown.

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Drink enough water

Losing just 2% of body fluids during exercise can make exercise more difficult, reduce athletic performance, and reduce the body’s ability to recover. Everyone should drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day, but athletes may need even more because they sweat a lot during strenuous exercise.

Consume protein before bed

Protein helps your muscles rebuild after exercise and is effective for increasing performance in bodybuilding exercises. The result of a research in the Netherlands showed that a nighttime snack rich in casein keeps the rate of amino acid and muscle protein synthesis high throughout the night. Casein is a slow-digesting protein that is recommended to be used at night. Apart from casein, you can also use other proteins such as whey protein. Using amino supplements can also be effective.

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Other methods to increase efficiency in bodybuilding exercises

In addition to the mentioned items, you can also use the following methods:

  • Do the bridging movement before performing the deadlift.
  • Warm up the rotator cuff muscles and tendons in the shoulder area.
  • Try to get a good night’s sleep.
  • Be sure to observe the distance between each set.
  • Listen to music before your workout to boost your serotonin levels Dopamine increase in the body. The release of these hormones helps the body to perform better during exercise.
  • Pay attention to the number of repetitions in each set.
  • Using sports supplements can sometimes help you reach your goal sooner. What type of supplement is best for you should be determined by your athletic trainer. For example, if you have a thin body, you may be advised to buy a gainer, and if you are overweight, you may be advised to take a fat burning supplement.

Ultimately, no one can determine which exercises you should do and how often you need to repeat the exercises to get closer to your ultimate goal faster than the trainer working with you.

final word

There are solutions that we mentioned in this article to increase efficiency in bodybuilding exercises. Don’t underestimate your abilities and don’t expect yourself to reach your fitness goals too soon. Achieving any goal requires time and practice. Choosing an experienced sports coach will also play a very effective role in guiding you. Pay attention to the solutions mentioned in this article so that you can see your body in reality as you imagine it in a reasonable period of time.

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