Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

Effortful and dynamic in creating an environment of internal and external interaction

According to the financial news report, citing the public relations of Cooperative Insurance, Sohaila Sharfi, the director of ship, freight and aircraft insurance, said in a conversation: “We have succeeded in activating most of the company’s branches in this field, so that some branches They have increased their activity by 100%.
He added: “Also, in the discussions related to the improvement of the knowledge of the branches and the sales network, whether of the representative or the broker, there has been a deeper activity, and I believe that the more this relationship is strengthened, the better the needs of insurance policyholders will be assessed and met; On the other hand, the connection between the branches and the sales network with the company will become more technical.
The director of ship, freight and aircraft insurances of Cooperative Insurance also stated that “they have acted more actively in attracting insurers; On the other hand, development goals in domestic and foreign areas have been defined and new markets have also been identified.
Sharfi added: “According to the company’s strategy, customer satisfaction is discussed, and for this reason, the discussions related to the damage expert have been taken into consideration with more quality and accuracy.”

From overseas risks to the entry of new insurance companies
The director of ship, freight and aircraft insurances of Cooperative Insurance added: “Regarding the risks abroad, it is necessary to conduct simultaneous interactions between the technical and technical managers and foreign companies, and considering the issues related to the embargo, this process is very limited and It creates a laborious operation for insurers.
Sharfi also added about the newly established or new insurance companies: “The size of the cargo, ship and aircraft insurance market is clear and its changes are not very large, if there are any changes, they are mostly related to inflation or influential indicators. It is based on the increase of capital of insurance policies, the volume of the market and the number of activists in this field in the past years has been almost certain and has had a steady trend to some extent; The increase in the number of insurance companies on the one hand and the limitation of international communication on the other hand has caused the market volume in these fields to be almost constant, specific and limited, so this specific amount of the portfolio should be divided into smaller parts between the insurance companies. The competition will be more intense.

The need to strengthen awareness in the sectors related to insurance in the field of sea and air
In the continuation of his discussions, Sharfi discussed “aircraft insurance” and related issues and explained: “The issue of airplanes is not like other vehicles and the type of use, service and maintenance of them are different; In the aviation sector, aircraft maintenance is a very important component, and in other words, the age of the aircraft does not determine the ability to fly. This industry is very different in general, and the domestic and international laws are strictly followed.”

For example, in the part of maintenance and replacement of parts, according to the standards of replacement and repair or specific replacement, each part should be replaced after how many hours, and it has a high standard. Our country also adheres to it despite the existence of the embargo. In other words, the flight license is issued when the aircraft has the ability to fly, which means that it has the necessary components for the set standards and has complied with it.
The director of ship, freight and aircraft insurances of Cooperative Insurance explained that “automobile standards are very different from airplanes and looking at it like this will not give us a favorable answer; IATA rules, international flight standards, civil aviation rules, etc. are proof of this claim.
In the marine sector, the components and standards, laws and supervisory institutions are completely different, which requires the special attention of insurers.
He went on to describe the actions of the field under his management in the company and stated: “Training courses are held at different levels and in different ways, and efforts have been made to make these trainings in such a way that the branches and the headquarters are in line with each other in doing things. to accompany; On the other hand, during non-office hours, the activities of issuing and providing insurance services continue to maintain customer satisfaction and improve the service level; According to the needs assessment, new training courses will be held.
Sharfi further pointed to the effect of the training courses held last year and stated: “The provinces that completed the training course last year were in the top ranks in terms of producing insurance premiums and providing services, so Continuous education is essential in providing insurance services.

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