Electricity rationing to escape the cold winter in Finland

According to the report of Fars News Agency’s International Economy reporter, quoted by Bloomberg, Finnread Company, which is responsible for the management of Finland’s power distribution network, announced that if the country cancels the electricity rationing during the winter season, this issue could lead to widespread blackouts. This country will lead.
Arto Pahkin, one of the directors of FinGrid network, said: “If planned blackouts are not implemented, uncontrollable blackouts will occur to the extent that people may die.”
This power distribution network has repeatedly warned about blackouts in the winter season in Finland and stated that there are many concerns in the field of electricity supply in the coming months.
In May, due to non-payment of money by Finland, Russia stopped exporting electricity to this country. Although Russia’s exported electricity supplied a small part of Finland’s energy needs, the loss of this source has serious consequences for Finland; Because the government of this country will be forced to choose unfavorable options.
The conditions of power distribution in Finland are very difficult; Because the temperature of this country drops to minus 20 degrees during the winter season and there are less than 6 hours of daylight in some cities. This makes Finland very vulnerable to energy shortages; Because the lack of electricity has the potential to expose the people of this country to death within a few hours due to the frost.
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