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Emphasis on honoring the retirees in the meeting of the top managers of the bank with the Melli Bank Retirees Association

According to the financial news report, quoted by the public relations of the National Bank of Iran, Hasan Kazemi, the vice president of human capital, said in the first meeting of the bank managers with the retirees’ association of the National Bank of Iran after the elections: “The approach of the top managers of the bank towards the problems of the retirees is a sympathetic approach and cooperation With the National Bank of Iran’s pensioners center, it can have a positive effect on the bank’s effective relationship with the pensioners.

He added: “Our opinion is that the conditions of retirees should be improved in such a way that the colleagues who are working today can see a good future ahead of them and have a double motivation for their work and efforts with peace of mind about the future.”

The vice president of human resources evaluated the bank’s relationship with its retirees favorably and emphasized: Many organizations cut off their relationship with retired people after retirement, but in National Bank of Iran, due to the depth of the ties, this relationship is not cut off and the retiree is still He feels interest towards the National Bank of Iran and this empathetic approach of the bank with the retirees is an example among other organizations.

He stated: Respecting veterans and the elderly is a necessity from the point of view of our religious culture, and the National Bank of Iran strives to obtain their opinions on various issues during meetings with senior managers.

Seyyed Jafar Mirzadeh Mousavi, the head of the General Department of Human Capital, also answered some of the doubts and questions of the members of the association about the livelihood issues of retirees.

He said in this meeting: In the various meetings we have had with dear retirees, we have always responded to their concerns as much as possible, and from now on, we will respond to their concerns with the center of National Bank of Iran retirees.

In this meeting, Kamal Hajti, the head of the General Welfare and Treatment Department, explained the actions of the National Bank of Iran in the welfare and treatment of retirees.

And expressed hope that more effective steps will be taken to improve the welfare and medical services of retirees with the cooperation of National Bank of Iran Pensioners Association.

In this meeting, the members of National Bank of Iran’s retirees’ association, while explaining their views on the concerns of retirees, presented their proposed solutions in this regard.

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